2007-05-14 - 3:06 a.m.

last month, i stopped working for video games. this month was mostly working for overtime. next month, with any luck, will be the dawn of a new era, working for the weekend.

while driving around northern new york state on a special assignment, i happened upon an entire hill, covered in windmills. it was, i think, the most awe inspiring moment ive ever had. up close, each individual windmill is gigantic, and thats all well and good, but then then you notice that there are 300 others backing it up. its enough to take your breath away. which of course, is exactly what they were designed to do, im sure. it was a visual manifestation is the effect of a crowd clapping... the slow methodic movement of a single windmill was hard to isolate, and varried dichotomically from the movement of the group as a whole. really truely amazing.

Dream, the dragon and the unicorn. an odd sort of dungeon crawling live-action game. each team consisted of one family, and went about the maze/dungeon solving various riddles in creative fashion, to be the first to finish the game. reminded me of a cross between family fued and jumanji. there was a walk-in music box, that played certain tunes, and Little-Sister and Step-Sister seemed quite good at it. more than once, Step-Mother proved that with a large enough purse, you can do anything. Sarah and Step-Brother were not in the dream at all, a somewhat harsh reality of my subconscious. the last part of the game, activated by a clue in the music box, released a unicorn and a dragon, that fought to the death. the dragon would invariably win, unless you got your team together to destroy the dragon beforehand. the dream ended before we succeeded in our struggle to organize. End Dream.

Sir#1: *playing the magician, face up* possesion is nine-tenths of the law.
Sir#2: *playing the fool, face up* what, praytell, is the other one-tenth?
Sir#1: *revealing the wheel of fortune, for the win* repossesion.

Related Sidenote: the game they are playing, for future reference, is called "elevensies", and very much resembles the card game "21", except it is played with the major arcana.

got a sunburn about a month ago, while working on the afforementioned special assignment. there was still snow on the gound and the only exposed part of me was my head, which promptly swelled up to twice its normal size, the surface layer of skin being detatched from the deep layers due to fluid buildup. it was humourously painful, to have a totally squishy noggin, for a week. when i tilted my head all the fuilds would drain to that side, such that when i stood upright, my head resembled (from the front) the shape of a football. of course i insisted on not seeing a doctor about it, but everyone in the office insisted i go, before i popped. they really, in all honesty, thought that i was going to pop. in hindsight, im actually suprised that the second-degree burns healed so quickly.

project ant farm didnt go so well. i collected 5 ants, code-named F, A, R, M, and (unnamed). F and A seemed to have a particularly close relationship, R was sort of lazy, largest of the bunch and i presume the oldest, while M was the smallest. F made all the groundmaking moves, first to start the tunnel, first to devise a viable escape plan, first to get stuck in the hole that she had dug. they made one tunnel before they started dying en masse. fortunately, i found the manual, so maybe next time i can fix whatever i got wrong and maybe theyll last a bit longer.

in other news, my hearing in my left ear has returned, after a week sabbatical. and yes, this incident was completely unrelated with the rapant head swelling of '07.

so much for the new era. instead of working for the weekend, im back to working through the weekend, at least until some contracts pan out. i was really looking toward the possibility of moving to manhattan too. i could almost smell it...though it wasnt really a pleasant smell, at least it was something different.

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it's a different game every time you play!

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