2006-06-13 - 3:11 p.m.

...characterized by returning more than 3 times to claim a hunting spot and pester the bots or players from it until they leave. -the MMO dictionary, volume 6.

Dream, the devil in vogue. as the oldest son on a farmhouse, i am doing some chores in the field, when a man approaches. he introduced himself, waved his hand toward his land and told us of his green pastures, quaint home, and three young daughters. this seemed to me a sort of competition, a battle between neghbours, showing off their status to one another as my father and the stranger talked. when we walked back to his place to meet his children, one of the daughters spoke up "daddy, what language did they talk to you in?" he smiled and said "every language." this confused me since we only knew one language. later, he proceeded to click and gurgle which i thought was rude, but then figured out that he was using the noises to communicate to his daughters. he took my family for a ride in his automatic buggy, and afterward i was alone, talking with the devil, who looked like he had come straight out of a comic book. red and black wrinkles of skin, black horns, a pointed tongue, and no clothes. he talks some about the three neighbours we have (at this point i had only met the one) who somehow represented his toughness, his power, and his (scariness?). i think his exact words were "how weak and pathetic my (neighbours name?) is! how was i to know that today a man would come back from the war and meet my toughness. i had no time to prepare him for such a visit." i really had no idea what he was talking about, and was going to hit the devil with a stick, but i found my feet were stuck to the ground like the roots of a tree while he talked. at some point it became apparent that all of the people the devil was mentioning as "his" were our neighbours that had televisions, a new sort of technology. some time later, i visited some sort of publishers house with my family, though it looked like an odd sort of library to me. all of the books were in perfect condition, full series' of books that came with their own costom-built shelves so that the shelf was never too large or too small to accomodate the whole series. i touched the spine of a book and a custodian/librarian smarted my hand with a ruler almost instantly, though i dont remember her being there before. it seems the books were there, but they werent for reading. in another room were two people talking, an author and publisher. i knew at once who it was, having heard one of the books they were talking about, and i was very excited because it was a book i much enjoyed, though not my favourite, HERE was the person that wrote it! i ran right over, forgetting my manners, introduced myself and presumed the name of the author. she kindly corrected me with her real name, said she was delighted to meet me, and i realized she was writting under a masculine male name, though she was a woman in her 50s. they then exited the room for tea or air or maybe peace from wandering children, and i found a television. on the screen was a show of a guy that looked like a 12-year-old David Spade, living in a downtown city. he and his meddlesome friend had fashioned a plan to swipe things from nearby neighbours: they had tied a model helicopter to a fan. the fan keeps the David Spade character in the air by spinning and the helicopter blades also spin, which gives him direction, and is controlled by his friend next door, via a handheld device. they argue about whether to swipe the bar-b-que or the glow light, while the flying character bumps into walls and people laugh in the background.

BattleTech returns! started playing in Albany on thursdays. at least one of the players seemed a little autistic to mitch and i, since he had somehow memorized all the hit locations for the game, (an 11x3 matrix) as well as missile quantities (11x9 matrix). all in all, the game went very fast, we actually got through 2 games each in a few hours, and a good time was had. later mitch and i played a practice game to help us remember some rules. also fun.

june 26. celebrating dad's birthday, 25 days after the fact. we had planned to go to 6 flags, but we left late, the exit was closed (stuck in traffic for an hour, on the exit ramp), and due to the rain and the time we finally got there, it just wouldnt have been worth it. saving the tickets for another day. instead, we stopped by the basketball hall of fame, which would have closed in a couple more hours and we decided that really wasnt enough time to enjoy it. on the upside, it really wasnt a boring road trip, it had been at least a month since i last saw my Step-mother, Father, and Sister (it has been five years since Sarah went to South Dakota, my nephew i have never seen is now three years old). Instead, we went to Unos in Springfield and afterward saw the movie "Click", which had a terrible underlying idea, but also had a good cast and was generally well done, emotional yet not particularly funny. At Unos, i mentioned that our waitress was cute (she was evidently a fan of the X-men) and Sister went berzerk. She practially threw herself at the waitress, screaming please, go out with my brother, he hasnt had a girlfriend in two-and-a-half-years becasue he is a dork and doesnt know how to pick up chicks! if i was anyone else besides myself, this would have made top 10 list for embarassing moments, but in lieu of the raptor incident, it wouldnt even make it into the top 40, and was more mildly amusing than anything.

it has been raining for two months straight, which means i forgot to email lucy. im sorry the rest of new york has to suffer for my communication problems.

August 9. dream, 2 kobolds. started out with a giant snake monster that was laying eggs inside people in a 1990s suburb. the main characters were a family who were the first victims or possibly had something to do with the release of the beast. the detective, in this case, was a mortician, called in to pick up a deceased at the household, when a giant snake pops out of the body and attacks him. the snakes had some sort of charming abilities, like Kaa in "The Jungle Book". the investigation/hunt of the giant snake included some ten townspeople, and vaguely resembled the hunt for Dracula in "Dracula". they eventually track the snake down to a certain park, but in-between is a lot of confusion and play-like scenes, with four groups of characters in pairs talking on cell phones against a blue background. a yellow light switched to the "active" pair, and they would discuss absurd plans or stategems, including wheels of cheese, drain pipes, koala bears, and who was available for a date now that her boyfriend had been eaten. fast forward to two wandering kobolds, with typical kobold antics. no further sign of giant snakes. having been somehow removed from their previous dwelling the kobolds investigate a sort of (catacomb/maze), and one finds a door previously hidden (actualy 2 doors but one was in the open and the other was behind a curtain/tapestry and found later since it went to the same set of rooms). there is a kitchen and bedroom, in the bedroom are some paintings, some framed of peoples faces, others depict blue/black roses painted on large heart-shaped peices of thin wood. they crash there for the night and then are discovered by the original inhabitants, who really couldnt rare too much that they are there. the kobolds take up residency in a different room of the (catacomb/maze), and they venture from their new home to do koboldish antics on nearby townsfolk. they come home one day to find their home invaded by drunken people, and promptly attack them with a spear of death, 60%. one kobold used the spear, and the other one asks the person being poked with it if they are alive still. it turned out to be more like a spear of death, 30%. fast forward to a third segment, which i cant seem to remember. End Dream.

sidenote: for future reference, and because it happened rather incidntly, this is post number 404.

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it's a different game every time you play!

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