2005-10-25 - 11:34 a.m.

...invented bowling.

it has been raining here nonstop for the past two weeks, and it will continue to rain until i get an email Lucy. lonliness has to go somewhere.

car accident, 0kph. i had parked on a slant in the parkinglot and didnt realize it until after i'd opened my door and was unable to catch it before it hit the neighbouring car. i left a kind notice saying that i was sorry for the 1/2 cm of chipped paint on the edge of the door, and when i saw him after class, offered to pay him (who will elsewhere be called The Victim) 20$ to cover it. i actually had to point out where the chip was because he couldnt find it on his own. he declined the money i offered and then calls me back two days later with an estimate from a bodyshop. The Victim says i owe him roughly $560 in parts and labour, and i asked him if went with the purple or the red flames on the hood. it did not help that the bodyshop scared him into believing that if he didnt get the entire car painted, his transmission would rust out and need a full replacement. i felt bad, i really did. then i discontinued my phone service and got a cell.

mitch pointed out tonight, how awesome it was, that we were walking back from the chinese food place to his new apartment, almost exactly 10 years after meeting each other in seventh grade.

super nintendo strikes back. bought a power adapter at radio shack and found a place that sells oldskool games that is open until 10pm. now its just a problem of waiting for the weekend.

as for the cell phone. of course i went for the cheapest possible plan i could find, TMobile for 19.99/mo and absolutely no reception unless you are actually standing in the Crossgates Mall, near the TMobile pagoda. so far in the four months i had it i've spent well over 300$ in phone bills, and so i switched back to my landline. the odd thing is, after my service ended on my original verizon phone, i continued getting bills, including an 8$ collect call. so when i got my landline back, i got them to agree to dropping those charges and the reconnection fee, and all i had to do was buy the most expensive plan they offered, and mail my soul to cuba via UPS ground.

went into radio shack to buy a phoneheadset_to_computer_adapter cable for Lineage2, and the girl that was helping me find it says "oh yea, i actually made one of these from scratch before i found out that we sold it". i wiped the drool off my chin, and she showed me her PDA. went back and she cleaned my super nintendo. went back and bought another headset. went back and played with the remote cars. eventually i decided that it was inappropriate to propose to someone during their work shift.

first day of class, spring semester. could not log into the online system to get my schedule and eventually found out i wasnt registered. finnancial aid tells me that since i only paid them for two semesters at the beginning of my first semester, and didnt sign my bill for the current semester, i had been deleted. had to make up a schedule and reregister before heading off to work. turns out that deletion is only a temporary setback.

Related Sidenote: finally saw the second Matrix movie, and decided the posters were better than the actual film.

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