Sunday Comix (Letters From Grandmother#C)
2005-06-09 - 4:13 a.m.

the only things which shall be obmitted are obscure dates, prior mailings, and of course, her cursive.

*date lost. the cover of the card shows a painting of pink and blue flowers growing around one side of a white door. at the top of the door is written "SCONSET GOOD" and in the middle the door is numbered "26" there are yellow, orange, and red flowers in the bottom right corner, stretching to be in the picture. 'N-0222 Doorway', by Kristen Stashenko.*

May this find all well
with you.
I am busy per usual.
Taking a class Cardiac
Wellness at EMMC for
8 weeks.
Recently have joined the
Red Hat Society for
women. Fun, get
togethers for luncheons.
The luncheon at the
Maine Community College
was delicious. Laura
was on the next week.
When does your school
end? How's the job?
Will it continue thru
the summer?
This weekend your
mother + I are going to
the Homestead for
lunch in Unity.
The food is excellent.
Everyone is well.
Luke will head for
Portsmouth soon and
his job.
I spoke with Sarah,
sounds good. Ashton is
back to work. Utah is
growing like a weed.
That happens.
Take care of yourself.
Bye for now. Been
thinking of you.
Hang in there.

*29 Jan 20005. the cover shows a stereotypical maine dock in watercolours, five dingys are tied in a clump in the bottom left corner, a red building on the dock dominates the center. in front of the building are two white lobster boats, and two personal motorboats, the left being the only boat with an outboard motor. there are an uncountable number of sails attatched to boats that you have to assume are behind the dock and building. the sky above the building is pink, the water reflects pink clouds on a blue sky. overlayed on the center bottom is a seperate picture of a stereotypical bait shop, red. 'FN-0201 Harboside' by Jean McQuillian and Maureen McDonough.*

Thank you for the
music box.
Under seperate package
I am sending you some
silverware and pot
holders. Enjoy.
All is fine here.
Jerry is going to
Florida for a month has
a job down there.
It's end of the month
already. Sure doesn't seem
Our weather is bitter cold
and tons of snow. I have been
plowed out several times.
I do in front of the garage.
Everone needs exersice.
Take care of yourself.
So long for now.

*11 April 2005. the card works like a pop-up-book. when oppened, two watercolour hummingbirds pop up from the surface. the left bird is green with a green belly, green tail, yellow wings, and a blue neck. the right bird is green with a white belly, red tail, yellow wings, and a red neck. the flowers are pink and blue. the cover is an exact copy of the inside-left picture inside the card, but flipped horizontally. '14718', from Reproducta Co. Inc. "On Your Birthday [open] A Birthday card with warmest thoughts / To wish you all that's best, / And hope this year / that's just ahead / will be your happiest"*

Happy Birthday, Jason.
Most all is well
here. May your day
be very special.
I have seen your mother
just once when she had
a day pass. Will speak
with Laura as well.
Luke is on vacation
this week, he's to graduate
in May.
Then he heads for his
job at Portsmouth
Navy Shipyard. He has
been there for 4 years.
Time sure flies.
I did see pictures of
Utah at your mother's
Sarah had sent them to her.
Your mother is anxious
to get out of the hospital. They
keep her busy with walks,
gym, crafts, etc.
Scott and Adam, Ronald
and Sue are well. Do
stay busy.
I spent the night at
Jerry's as went to Skowhe-
gan and had some warts
and tags removed.
Today i overdid drove
to Bangor had my pace-
maker checked, we both
are doing fine.
Prescilla + I did some
grocery shopping + checked
out Marden's. Had lunch
at the Coach house.
Tomorrow I will take
it easy. At least will
Tonight is "Survivor"
I always thought i was
a survivor but i would
never go there what
they do for money.
Are skin and bone.
Lie, cheat and even
steal to get ahead.
No way. Life is too
No wonder children
have no respect for
themselves or others.
Even sit coms, com-
mercials are filled
with rudeness and
families are feeling it
each + every day.
I would rather read
or do something else.
Plenty needs doing.
Well, you take care
of yourself. So long
until next time.

Note: when i originally read this, i skipped from page 1 to page 3 (it was double_sided).

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