2005-01-27 - 11:33 p.m. who is hardly amused and easily amazed.

my apologies to the people out there that Still read this, i haven't had the internet at my house for a month, and really there wasn't much mulling around in my brain in the interim anyhow. the dakota trip didn't happen. weather and money and paperwork that i would've forgotten to have done otherwise. school is school. i did not get the BMW on acount of it being in NJ. not that it was too farr away, just that, new jersey is new jersey.

i'm fairly certain (in that way that means i really just sort of guess) there were no mice in ancient egypt. if so, what did the cats eat? is it possible that the pictures of cats we are common to seeing in their paintings are not really cats, but some lifeform which is more evolved more than our own? think about a species as a placement in a continually changing stream of predatory evolution; cats are a tier above apes. so the cats were aliens, transporting raw materials and food to the egypt so that the local populous would praise them and build great temples in their honor. but the cat-aliens must have been renagade extremeists not conforming to kitty-geneva conventions, and the higher-up kitties had to shut their little operation would be really cool to see a cat use a phaser on maulder(TM) and scully(TM).

Sir#1: is there comparison without understanding? is there understanding without comparison?
Sir#2: Sir, you've hit the nail on the head i think. you have found the question for which the answer is 7x6.
Sir#1: but what are the 7 and 6? from where do they hail?
Sir#2: in the words of The Great Electron (St. Michael's Version 4.02) "Seven will count the processors; the count of the maximum tracks that can run in the Mynd seven will be. Six will be the types; the data that will be used of the processors will be of the House of Datum, and one land there be for each of his six sons..."
Sir#1: wait, didn't Datum have seven sons?
Sir#2: right you are, but from reading, current Datum was in a postdecremental state, Void having been stillborn. it's not until chapter 4 that Void is raised from the dead, and not until chapter 6 that he declares the other six sons to be his types, and thus gains all of the types that they own, through the dark magic art of typecasting.
Sir#2: again we have fallen adrift in the crashing waves of passing trains. if 7-times-6 is the answer to the question, what is the question whose answer bears the answer 7x6?
Sir#1: is there understanding without consciousness? is there consciousness without understanding?
Sir#2: there consciousness without existence? is there existence without consciousness?
Sir#1: there existence without existence? is there existence without existence?
Sir#1: do you have nothing to say to that Sir, no question to my answer?
Sir#2: on the contrary my good Sir, i did have something to ask, whose answer is you question, and i did ask it. in any case, we have a great deal of defining left to do before we can truely understand the answers we have just questioned.

 'tribute to the semicolon'

{ in times of lore
so it used to be;
from days of old
in the code of C;}

{semicolons were used
to end lines of code;
and with switch_cases
'fore throw_catch did load;}

{where if did not need else
when void needed a return;
the semi served its purpose-
terminator for the learned;}

(when (scheming, however)
they see their true call)
((at the front--commenting
pointing out each pit-fall))

(ignored) ((they are not)
as comments oft are)
(there is no preprocessor
(to tell "stop right thar"))

((as terminators of the line)
they will be much missed
(for parenthesis don't cut it
unless you're making a list))

to all those people that are worried that computers are more efficient than they are, and that we will all be replaced by robots or robot dogs (repectively), this is for that they.
Sir#1: "jack and jill went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. jack or jill fell down the hill, but i don't know whom did neither."
Sir#2: "((jack nand jill) nand (jack nand jill)) went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. ((jack nand jack) nand (jill nand jill)) fell down the hill, but i don't know which combination of ((jack nand jack) nand (jill nand jill)) did ((((go up the hill to fetch a pail of water) nand (go up the hill to fetch a pail of water)) nand ((fall down the hill) nand (fall down the hill))) nand (((go up the hill to fetch a pail of water) nand (go up the hill to fetch a pail of water)) nand ((fall down the hill) nand (fall down the hill)))) -> paradox: ((jack nand jack) nand (jill nand jill)) could have fallen down the hill, but both could have done neither because it was given that both went up the hill. thus (by creative substitution), there must be another person, 'James' that did neither, who is. **"

bumper stickers:
a vote for bush is a vote against pro-life AND free choice
screw polygamy, i've got polyphalange

the surgeon general tells us that smoking is bad, mmkay. destroys your lungs, gives you cancer of the gonads, kills babies and causes acid rain. like many people, i fell into the trap of assuming that since cancer and lung destruction are long-term rather than short term goals, that it would be alright to smoke, as a social (and thus temporary) activity. now that i've been not smoking for a month, i realize how much of a short-term killer it is. like chaining your mind to a brick wall and running as fast as you can in the other direction, short-term. unfortunately, the withdrawl from the habit (for the problem is never an isolated addiction to a drug, but an addiction to an ego, to the mindset of being a smoker [insert picture of a rebel smoking gun camel cartoon with a five-o'-clock shadow]) has much the same feel to it, though the same process takes place over a shorter period of time. when you smoke, you're deprived of oxygen, but you're not stressed out (which is exactly what the government wants) because you're tired all the time, using the smoke to get to sleep and caffiene to wake up in the morning (because there is no such thing as a mutually exclusive addiction). what scares me about it is not that you have burned yourself, but the idea that while smoking you were acting silly and decided to try and put the cigarette out on your forehead.

Spent farr too much time today thinking [although this is nowhere near the original track of thought that I started on] about the possibility of sewing a high-up business executive on trumped-up charges of putting my dog, �stumpy�, in a blender and eating him through a straw. Basically, since neither one of us had any real evidence [for some reason he reacted badly to the idea of officials poking through his septic tank to look for dog DNA (TM)] that he either did or did not eat the dog, the court was required to pass judgment based on character witnesses. I pretended to know the defendant, his middle name, a general idea of his birth date, and the fact that he wore legwarmers in high school. Also, as character witnesses, I used people whom had seen him eating at Chinese restaurants, or at least that�s what they said. As a character witness, he brought out his dog, uneaten. But it was a little plump and so I was able to convince the jury that the defendant simply wasn�t done fatting it up yet. The defendant settled for 1,000$ when he started to believe in his own guilt, and also agreed to stop his company from sending me free AOL CDs (TM) in the mail. Because *this* is what a mind does when it�s not otherwise occupiddled. They says there�s always room for Jell-o (TM), always time for dreams.

i came across an theory of mine concerning world domination, which i would like to explain, but first i will need to make sure that the reader is aware of a previous theory: money is trust. if farmer_one is to trade farmer_two his rake for a hoe, he must consider first that the rake that he is giving away has more potential to be used as a destructive weapon than the hoe. the idea of farmer_two, after the trade, using the rake to kill him and thus regain the hoe, encourages him to think of the rake as a more valued instument. this he does for his own protection, unless he owns an item not involved in the trade which has unarguably more destructive potential, in which case he is not concerned about the destructive power of the items involved in the trade (and thus, it does not effect the respective values of such items) because he knows that if farmer_two was to try to harm him with the rake, he would be able to prevent/resist the attack using said item. the so-called 'value' of an item is the quantification of how much the buyer (receiving the item) is trusted by the seller (giving the item) to not ill-use the item. value is measured in optionally discrete units of currency, which may be money, love, friendship, fear, food, plastic chips, plastic cards, Tupperware (TM), et cetera.
All that being jotted, i wish to continue with the theory i wanted to discuss, titled "The Mr Arguments" (with the stress on 'Mr' rather than arguments, so that really it should be said "The Mister X Arguments" excepting that the X will be silent until such a time the the X is replaced by a letter-name-sound, as you will soon understand) [as you will likely conject from my inability to explain the title of the theory, the theory itself is rather ragged around the edges as well as at the core, not much more than a collection of refrigerator magnets and napkin-scrawlings, half-forgotten and later translated from memory into a composition notebook by a thirteen_year_old_jason]. It seems that at some point i had it on my mind to change the world, or rather, to save it from itself [to the extent that i'm sure all young children have a similarly mysterious compulsion to do]. Also, i had noted that all of the evil geniuses on television and movies did not really have a plan for what would happen, should their plans for world domination actually proceed as planned. It plagued me, this question of what one could do to keep control over an entire planet, with just one mind to oversee it. Obviously, what was needed was a constitution of sorts, but my solution (which i thought was strickingly similar at the time) was a theatrical preformance. The idea being that one person with one mind could write the speeches of twenty-six persons with twenty-six seperate minds, each bent on the destruction of the other twenty-five. in addition, the divided mind(s) would form temporary alliances to get great scientific discoveries accomplished, and start colonies on other planets and thereby improve the current earth-situation as we know it. each mind i later termed a "voice" because each mind tended toward an individual set of axioms, a vision, and a process of means to achieve that vision, although each one represented an archetype that could speak for a significant minority of the planet. thus did i suggest encompassing the ideas of the majority under the ideas of one man by providing the deception that he was well-representing twenty-six distinct but broad groups of people. each major religion was to get its own voice (originally: i have since changed some of the letters for entertainment value), as well as each major area of The People's intrests/concern, and the rest of the letters were open for soltions to common methods of government. Really, i came up with this theory because the US government is always talking about US intrests, and asside from APR, i wasn't (and still am not) sure exactly what those intrests are in. this system, then, defines a series of changing yet limited intrests which can be used to make governmental decisions based directly on the choices of The People (who will, of course, in the future, be renamed "The Peeps"). each voice was allowed one active project, which could be deactivated and replaced, although the money donated durring the activation of a previous project could never be used for another project unless the exchange of the money was itself a project (in which case, one dollar would be transferred from the first project to the second for each dollar donated to the transferring project). this ensures that projects which are part of a popular party but are not themselves popular will not be 'voted for' / supported. the people who wanted to support / 'vote for' a certain voice / cause would donate money to the cause, and when the money reached the total cost of the project, it would be carried out. a so-called 'lowercase argument' would occur when the means of the message were to change, so that there would became two distinct factions that have the same end in sight (i.e. Methodists and Baptists would both be lowercase C arguments), but disagree on the means to make it there. a canidate for a new argument may be proposed to each of the established arguments of the time, and may take over one of the twenty-six argument slots if and only if a) they first hold the slot of Z for at least three months, and b) they are voted into a different slot after the trial period by a two-thirds majority of the total set of arguements, and c) for an arguement to get into the Z slot they must raise 'initiation moneys', each dollar of which counts as one vote, and whichever group that is running for the Z slot and has the most initiation funds at any one time immediately gains the Z slot. initiation moneys went to pay off government debts or were put into a rainy-day account which required any arguement to do a transfer project to obtain. each voice dealt with issues of pollution, overpopulation, ecconomics, the detremental effects of spelling bees on adolecents, et cetera. each voice has a base with a non-profit organization which will spread the message and message of the voice, as follows:
A is for Anarchists
B is for Big Business Countermeasures (BBC)
C is for united Christianity
D is for the Davion-Steiner alliance
E is for the Board of Education
F is for alternative Fuel research and development (AFR&D)
G is for General Mills (the cereal company)
H is for in preperation for the apocalypse (IPOTA)
I is for the Intergalactic organization of planets (which will take more of a role once X owns more than one planet)
J is for Jews
K is for Orthodox Jews
L is for Local governments
M is for the Monkey Suffarage Movement, who will communicate their arguements through a series of sounds in their own language, because to use any human langauge would be an insult to their own communication and permit them to be discriminated further
N is for the Nihilists, apathists, and realists of earth (NARE)
O is for the Oil companies
P is for the Proper treatment of animals (which does NOT include monkeys)
Q is for air treatment and antipollution Foundation
R is for the Rainforest critters and plants who will be selling oxygen instead of giving it freely
S is for big brother, big sister (security-driven motive)
T is for Technology and a better future organization
U is for land treatment and antipollution Foundation
V is for the field of Vegetarians, hippies, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenderals (OVHHBT)
W is for Water treatment and antipollution Foundation
X is for the Unified World Government Theory (UWGT)
Y is for Yaweh, who has to wait his turn to make his points heard, just like everyone else on the board
Z is for an open block for temporary arguements

**given (i'm sure that i've screwed something up here, just haven't found it yet):
((p nand q) nand (p nand q)) -> (p and q) & (p nand p) nand (q nand q) -> (p or q) & (p nand p) -> (~p)
then, (((p nand p) nand q) nand ((p nand p) nand q)) <-> (p->q)
other appitizers: ((~p) and (~q)) <-> ~(p or q);
((~p) or q) <-> (p->q);
(((p nand q) nand p) nand q) <-> q;
(((p nand q) nand q) nand p) <-> p;
modus tollens (mode that denies): (p->q)&(~q) -> (~p)
modus ponens (powerful method): (p)&(p->q) -> (q)

what was | soliloquy | the magic lamphouse | days of the old | Topics. | Revelations: | Luther:: | Alien Tofu | JLS (index)

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