the art of hello:
2004-01-02 - 2:43 p.m.

The following is not true. A panel of scientists in California received a grant from a drug dealer (Caucasian, about 6� tall) trying to avoid the next tax bracket, and decided to spend the last $200 on a study of modern patience. They sat a group of persons (GroupA) in a circle around a household toaster, and placed another group of persons (GroupB) in a soundproof room down the hall from GroupA, where they could not see the toaster. Both groups were asked to patiently wait until the toast was done, and to allow it to pop up without intervention from the persons of either group. When the toast had popped up, surveys were taken. Not one person in GroupA expected the toast to pop up at the moment it did; many jumped in surprise. 52% of persons in GroupA was convinced, just before the toast popped up, that the �real� experiment was to see how long a group of people would sit around and stare at a broken toaster. 80% of the persons remaining from GroupA thought that the toaster was somehow broken, and believed they were on their way to coming to the previous conclusion. Those that did not believe the toaster was broken were either too young or too old to participate successfully, because they forgot what it was they were doing. Overall, people were amazed by how long it takes for a piece of bread to cook, when you�re really doing nothing else. The persons in GoupB yielded extremely interesting behaviors, from delusions/hallucinations of toaster-poppings to hysteria of an extremely unhealthy level, and paranoia concerning anti-toaster-popping devices. A scuffle broke out between one �toaster-popping-believer� and a so-called �heretic� which resulted in the untimely death of all the persons in GroupB a mere 0.666345237 seconds before said toaster actually popped up.

�the glass is two-halves full, if you count the foam� -A Romantic

Rome has returned to the globe, Ceasar has reclaimed his throne. You are aware of the empire which I speak. God then, is a vacuum of personal power, the seed of rebellion that rebuilds the societies of the earth, the first spark that starts a fire that burns a forest that it may regrow anew. Inevitable. This God is looking for someone who is willing to sacrifice themselves, that the rest of humanity may not have to live under such an oppressive king. This and more must be done, before the last brick of the old city falls into place. And for a moment, imagine that the only lie you�ve ever heard, in your whole life, is that the savior is a single person, and that person cannot be you, because. Because you have sinned, because you are a girl, because you are not a direct descendant of the line of kings. One day not too far off, you will come upon a situation, in which you�ve no choice but to act in rage, and you will have the words of the Lord in your head, though you will not hear a word. And then, you will know what it is to make right, to make just, to create holiness.

Back in NY, studying for C++ and Japanese, I figure I might as well continue with it since I already bought the books, and other cheap excuses for I-really-don�t-know-why. Passed all of my classes, with the worst grades I�ve ever achieved. Need to start paying attention to this area/time in front of my face, instead of the one farr above my head. Cleaned the house, played some games (got a GameBoyAdvance(TM) for christmas), and made a couple lists, just for the sake of it. Started working out, and have started on studying, but most importantly, I shaved my face, for the first time in two weeks. Rebirth feels good.

Revelation: Working at a gas station means using a public restroom every couple days. It also means time out of your smoke break spent cleaning it, after everyone and their grandmother has used it.

Jan2. showed up 45 minutes early to work at a gas station just across the Hudson from my ussual place of employment. Dead as hell. I must have seen about 20 customers, and got so bored i filled the napkin dispensers three times each. Mental note to bring a book to work, sometimes.
Jan3. Worked at my ussual place of employment, because the crackfiend didn't show. She was subsequently fired, which promoted me to being her permanently-temporary replacement. Oddly enough, I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've been promoted to this position.
Sidenote: something else that i like about this job, that i had previously overlooked. They give my my own little personal space, big enough and cold enough to store one 2 liter bottle of coke. If I ever grow up, I want a job with a refigerator; to hell with the view.

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