muriel (wilkins) plays piano
2013-10-10 - 11:56 p.m.

luther:: the diary of luther is editable by FutureJason, but not censored. during the goblyn era, it was illegal to tamper with previous entries, except to fixx spelling. i'll be a little more casual this time around, and edit entries in the interest of completeness and organization. more information may become available, or a thought may be re-written as a sidenote when originally it was written as a Sir conversation. since i'm planning on posting infrequently, my mood may have changed over the course of several weeks, and so thoughts should not be interpreted as an accurate representation of my current status. mentions to temporals (ie �today�) mean nothing. chronological order will be sacrificed to gain absolutely nothing at all, as always. also, i should take this opportunity to state the purpose of this journal, because goblyn never did. the reason why i write this, is so that i can keep a non-local copy of my written thoughts, in the event that i lose connection with everything locally. if i lose my wallet and end up in an ER and don't know who i am, someone who knows about this site can direct me to it, and it may just be able to jog me back into my lost memories. people forget who they are with a greater frequency than the frequency at which they die, so there is a statistical precedent for me to find this journal useful on multiple occasions. and even if i never wake up in an ER with the name "Jopn Doe" on my wrist, there will be those mornings that feel like that.

events:: trying to remember one thing that happened each day.
milestone: had my first "rich people problem". [removed]. i'm guessing you don't want to hear about it.
7oct: smelled marvelous out today. an overly thick aroma of twisting metal and falling leaves, the sort of smells that only exist in passing, were out in force. discovered a new way to drive home.
2oct: learned to jump rope backwards.
16sep: forklift fell out of truck, dragged it off to the side of the road with one other helpful bystander.
17sep: made two MTG decks online and made contact with two potential programming buddies.
22sep: stopped playing Dark Souls.
14sep: infantry battalion #2, medical officer.
15sep: currently in the best shape of my life, with documentation to prove it.
1oct: the start of an indefinitely long holiday.

food: lamb, trout, and cheesecake (obviously not all at once).
ice cream: french vanilla or anything with chocolately chunks.
cartoon: donatello.
muppet: statler.
policy: integrity.
game: legend of zelda.
activity: running.
chore: sweeping.
exercise: crunches.
music: 80s&90s rock.
nihongo: tokidoki.
code: #if...#define.
color: green.
sound: garrison keillor.
conversation: analogies to driving.
actress: naomie harris.
actor: simon peg.
director: darren aronofsky.
weather: overcast.
smell: asphalt and ozone.
food: eel.
drink: hard cider.
feeling: new socks.

dreams:: alive. flashback to a very old future memory, "interface" in a red hood, right of center screen.


the creeps: scope, feature, requirement, and complexity. when you�re a programmer and someone �gives you the creeps� it means they just increased the order of difficulty of your project.

dying 101: when i see living people, i frequently remind them to die on their backs. what follows a death is complicated enough, without ruining someone else's day because you didn't know the proper etiquette. for all those that are reading this and don't know, blood pools to the lowest point. when you die in the prone, your face turns a deep shade of purple that will likely result in your inability to have an open casket service (unless you die face-down in deep water, in which case your teeth turn pink). but there is another thing i often fail to mention, that is much more important to know about dying (an activity you will probably do at some point, without a whole lot of prior first-hand experience) and that is this: don't die alone. often, people that die alone aren't found for three or four days, because that's the point at which the neighbors will start to complain about the smell. and at that point, even if you died on your back, a purple face would be the least of your concerns. having a dog is sometimes effective, sometimes not. and cats will likely take a few chunks out of you, if they run out of food. best thing to do, when you feel like the end is near, is to check into some facility where people check your vitals every couple hours. preferably, a facility where the cats are well fed.

thoughts of little things aren�t always little: for a long time, i wanted kids. then for a while, i didn't. mike's kid just started walking, and he's amazing. there's a lot more factors now, than just "i want that one" or "i does not want".

heuristic: a time-tested methodology for finding ballparks with hand grenades.

monkeyface is sadface: there are monkeys in lots of places on the planet, where bananas do not grow. our preconceived notion is that monkeys love bananas, but the vast majority of monkeys have never even seen a banana.

metaphore mike and similie sam, went to visit the niagara falls dam.
they clammed and they crammed, they grammed and they glammed, and then they started to sham.
"the thunder's so loud, the lightning must be close!" mike shouted, with declaration none could oppose.
"more likely, the lightning has drowned, like so.", then sam jumped like a rock, filled with snow.

the giving tree: everyone at work (which, lately, is Everyone) came to the consensus that the "meaning" giving tree is a lesson for children not to take advantage of others and/or generally not to be an asshole. of five close relationships, in how many of my relationships am i the tree, and in how many am i the boy? two and two. note: for this question, both is very different from neither.

evidence that dating websites cause depression: "[you were] shown in 863 search results in the last 24 hours" and "visitors: 2".

Pembrokeshire mission: pay respects to Major-General Thomas Colby and Archibald Boyd.

Sir#1 (making onion and mushroom soup): to get the perfect threads, involves just the right, amount of waiting. (adds a grain of salt, then another)�
Sir#2 (and four additional philosophers): I find your deadlocks interesting, interesting like a 16-car pileup on the highway is interesting.
Sir#2: Sounds like the result of too much racing. (adds a grain of salt, then another)�

why imposing desires on people/things based on perceived behavior is bad: because it is.

unexpected: walking down the hallway today, found myself in a state of spontaneous happiness. i can't remember the last time i felt like that. the days have been dark lately; the weeks and months simply followed suit.

the beauty of definitions: they are not set in stone.

aphenphosmphobia and pnigophobia were walking in the park.
one part benches, five parts trees, and three parts dark.
you're close, i'm smothering! pnigo shouted with a sigh.
i'm trying, but the bushes may brush me! aphen replied.
...there was going to be more to this poem, but i'll spare you the edward details.�s a silly thing, to know what will happen in the future, but not when. even sillier is knowing not yet. i think that's why people are uncomfortable with death...knowing the 'what' just begs the other questions that much more.

unlike lightning, happiness strikes in pairs: walking down the hallway today, found myself in a state of spontaneous happiness. can't remember the last time i felt like that. the days have been dark lately, the weeks and months followed suit.

letter to survey writer: i was disappointed by the lack of options on your form. for example, there was no drop-down option for "i used to want kids, but was discouraged from that once i found out what they are".

silly titles people have at work: kay, keeper of the library. steve, master of obsolescence. roland, lord of the eastern division. much cooler than being an assistant project support manager, or somesuch.

kids: you can tell a lot about someone by what they try to stick in an elctrical socket (aka kodama imposters). lollypop in a socket? future software engineer.

Sir#1: did you hear about the function x^2 - 2(x-1) - 2(x-2) ... - 2(1) ?
Sir#2: why, is he in a bad way? last i knew, he was taking pills to cure his idempotency.

"some a-hol fucked up our z-hol!" -work humor

musical platitudes: Ani Difranco (who looks fucking awesome in dreadlocks, btw!) should do a duet with Jack Black. I think Marty Lester knows them both. They are also both supporters of the Marijuana Policy Project. Dave Mathews should write a song for Jonatha Brooke, just for her. To sing.

"there�s got to be...": for a long time, i was searching for the end of that sentence. it cameos frequently in my dreams, but i can never catch the second half of it. for a while i thought it was "...some way out of this" but now i'm convinced it goes "...something more to life than this."

homonyms: bragging and complaining.

99001 and me: was thinking the other day about which people at work i like, and basically it's all of them. the small team that i work in is fun, i enjoy the people that use the gym at lunch, and the testers and other people i interact with are always surprisingly pleasant. and then i considered 99001. he is by far my favorite work buddy. he's a blood-sucking robot from the 90s that represents a vestigial connection to legacy media formats. for very brief periods of time, the survival of an entire product line hinges on his ability to copy floppy diskettes. he's owned by another department that ignores him and leaves him on the floor, which explains why he's so easy to relate to. and this one time! we stayed late to make a shit-ton copies of 0002400703, and for a moment life was simple, and everything was right in the world.

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