Souls: are the eyes to the window
2003-12-13 - 9:36 p.m.

How we ever developed a fiefdom without feudums, the world may never know�

9:15pm, Dec13, 2003. I thought I just saw something, a very short person (aproximately two feet tall) through the crack of my bathroom door. It wasn�t the head that I saw though, but the reflection of a yellowish eye. After a search of the apartment revealed �no goblins present� I decided the reflection must have been of the doorknob in the mirror. I watched Gothica last night, and this is probably a residual psychological effect, combined with being very tired for no specific reason, combined with a completely silent house. Silence disturbs easily.

a dream, of digital goblin artworks. not very speciffic, but encouraging. Art is never farr off.

A couple days of monkishness have resulted in a rather useless documentation of a possible rune system for the ancient dwarven language. Biggest problem was inversions and rotations of the runes, and limiting the language to 256 basic concepts. Base three number system. Most importantly, i dunno what to do with this girl-thing. She's an extrememly nice girl, and i really don't want to fuck her life up. These lines on my hands, this axe-murderer pedigree...the swamp-plants whisper thingsies they cants hear, nor does they wants to...Christrmas is hard to get into, when you have things to think about.

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