Priest: hermit on a mission
2003-10-15 - 9:56 p.m.

��cuz death was one thing, but women made his nervous, and he got in his car, and drove �round the corner�� �Soul Assylum

In the past year, I�ve been coming to grips with the reality that I will likely never (again) have a girlfriend, and not just because they take up time, but because�it�s just not the sort of thing I seem to be into. If you know me, this�ll make complete sense to you�you might even be wondering why it took me so long to come to terms with the fact. I�m quite certain I could spend the rest of my life talking to my selves in the dark, learning to read minds and influence things with my mana. Hell, I never really liked/understood humans anyways.

��Father Makenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave�� �Beatles

The inherent problem with robots ruling the world is one of a basic understanding of needs. Robots, as different from humans, are missing some of the basic biological/psysiological needs that we have (take food for example) and if they were in charge, it may be hard to convince them that we didn�t need phaser guns to wxist, but we did need food (which seems much less valuable to robots because it �does� less). Some fully-functioning humans aren�t even capable of making the right decisions about things that effect others, so why do we think a robot would be more capable of handling the task? Furthermore, it�s not so much the issue what decision is made, but more why a decision is made, that determines whether the decision was ethical�there needs to be a unique method for each element of madness, whereas robots are used to using general algorithms to solve what they consider to be similar problems. some of the most educated professors in logic and scientific methods and ethics will willingly admit that they have made some decisions for the wrong reasons, or made bad discussions for all the right reasons. Lastly, there is the argument that since the computers would have to be programmed by us, the programs would be limited to the abilities and knowledge that we have, at least at first, and with no way to prove that any new developments were valid (because we wouldn�t be able to contain the same amount of knowledge in a human brain as we could a potentially infinite brain) we�d have no reason to trust the reasoning capabilities of the robots, so we would never be subservient to them unless forced, and they�d have no reason to make us subservient to them because they wouldn�t be motivated by the same things we are.

Archibald finally finished the surgery on my head, the hole has just now sealed. i feel better, healthier. And being at school, being forced to interact with people, had a lot to do with his ability to repair me, I think. The spot�s still soft, but we always have soft spots in our heads for first loves. Jesus, it�s been nearly three years, since that car went off the road, that night in January.

It�s Friday and the apartment is silent. Just the _whirr_ of my computer, and now I know why music was made, necessity rules it so. There�s a loud, dull *thudd* coming from somewhere in the distance�oops, tapping finger again. Everything gets louder when nothing is making noise, in a crowd it�s so easy to drown out the jackhammers and just listen to her, as she walks down the other he street, talking to no one in particular. Eating mushy goo, and feeling a little like it too. I boiled the stuffing a little too long, methinks. Or maybe stuffing is not supposed to be a complete meal. There�s something in Mynd that�s not where it�s supposed to be and I can�t figure out what it is.

Ultimate understanding is when each element in the set of discourse is a set that contains all of the other elements in the set of discourse. This is why mathematical models will never quite accomplish the design of the human brain.

Just had d�j� vu to the 5th power. I went to e-mail someone for help on a homework assignment (although this sounds mundane, looking back I realize that I barely ever do this, and even then, the vu suggested that it was a classmate, whereas if I had asked mitch about it I wouldn�t have used the medium of e-mail). The second vu resulted from thinking about the first vu and simultaneously thinking �wow, I have a go-to-guy (scratch) -person for all the questions in my different classes�jesus, was that double vu?� And, in my confusion of trying to rethink of the vus I had just experienced, for no reason just went to Favourites -> ghosts -> the jersey devil. This was nearly a violent part of the vu, very poignant. thinkings on the side: �oh, chris is from there� and �odd dinosaur thing� lifting my hand to my forehead *just so* for the fourth vu. Started twitching then, never been in such a state of long-lasting vus. The fifth was the desire to write it all down, so as I didn�t forget, because somehow I knew that the *last* time *this* point occurred, and I didn�t write it down, or at least not well, and I regretted roughly one-and-three-quarters years later. Just in case *this* is the part that I forgot last time: 10:30, sunday oct12. The �jesrey devil� part of the vu was the strongest out of the group�the others might have just been process that seemed like vus but were just parallel-predicted processes, assuming what I was going to do next given this information, but extremely accurate because of repetition of these processes (ie I have a certain way of checking my email and put my hand to my head in astoundedment, which I can easily identify, because it�s mine, and thus seems familiar to me, easily mistaken as a vu). Other odd things: I don�t remember when I had the apparition (the time in which I pre-thought this moment) of this d�j� vu, but it was most definitely not last night, and if it was any other night, I didn�t know what the jersey devil was, hadn�t found the website yet (indeed, there was a distinct feeling of �jersey devil, what the hell was that� that clashed with my present knowledge of the phenomenon [in the apparition]) But I may have slept some time in the middle of the day, and this could offset that theory.

An argument for the nature of the supernatural. NPCs in video games are only two things, a motive and a method. They have a goal and a process by which to achieve that goal. The thing they calls personality is the method. It�s not hard o believe that while we sleep, someone injects us with motives�they seem to change so often.

�you�ve got such a a pretty smile, it�s a shame the things you hide behind it�� -Jude

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