Celery: hard green fast-growing water
2003-08-24 - 7:59 p.m.

CHEESE. There�s no sense in throwing out a good idea because the outcome was bad. Throwing away good materials because they weren�t used in the most efficient manner possible. CHEESE. A photograph of good times with someone who has since gone bad, does not lead to bad feelings, at least not until the material of the bad person is considered independently of the picture. SAY CHEESE. There are people in this world that would lead you to believe that it is a bad place, that the materials, the idea, was bad, because what we currently have is bad. CHEESE I SAY. But they only think what we have now is bad because they haven�t made anything of it. They haven�t found a use for the things of this world, and thus do not have fun operating within the boundaries of the maze. They have yet to find the things that they can use to make them content. CHEESE. Discarded or rejected things, are, in a way, the most valuable, because they have the most unlocked potential for being used in a jam. OR IN CHEESE. There�s just no sense. A good person is one that uses bad things, and in doing so, molds them into good things, that in turn turn more bad good. It is not my place to say what is good, but only to say that the idea wasn�t bad, the materials of this world are not bad, inherently. They only need to be used for good. CHEESE. The philosophy of the packrat.

alone in my little white room, i�m pist. i am not happy because i am an animal, and i want to be so much more, but try as hard as i can, or forget all i know, nothing i do will change that fact. this, i think, is what they call the human condition. being a being that can conceive of it�s own construction, understand itself. (which is why all of our gods, by purposeful construction, are inconceivable.)

Father quit his job as plant manager. Granted, they�ll be moving out of the country in the spring, but that�s still a long way off. From what I hear, he�s trying to get a teaching certification. and his A+ certification (computer hardware). At the very least, he could use the time off, because he�s been working his ass off for the last thirty-one years. Mum told me that he was always a poet, from when they were first going out. Now, I�ve read some of his poetry, and perhaps his older works were superior (or at least more upbeat). But peotry isn�t a skill, so much as it is a state of mind. And throughout his years in factory life, I don�t think he�s ever lost that state of mind, not completely.

Revelation: Alone, we are very little. That we are not from our society.

Utah, Sarah�s child, is what the indians out west call a �miracle baby�. his umbilical chord was tied in a knot when he was born, a simple square. good luck or fortune, who can tell, but the nurses pointed it out too, that it was a miracle that the child had still received plenty of nutrients. healthy and strong, and already a month ahead of normal baby development. Sarah tells me the indians out west keep their child�s umbilical chords, hang them on the tree during Christmas. many upon many without knots.

Revalation: when bad things happen, it�s perfectly okay to have another beer. As long as you don�t forget when you are.

i really need to stop at some point, with my lifestyle of living off the cuff. words are often more than just words, and i usually don�t put enough value in them when i use them. for future reference, they are the primary communicative device of the modern world, the most popular medium through which modern man learns. and it�s wrong of me to place importance in things that have not yet some to pass. like the apocalypse. i wrote myself a note today, reminding myself to verbally remind me at a later time to go to a hospital and pick up some medical supplies. forceps, needles, bio-degradable thread. just in case i need to do some repairs to myself on the street, when California falls off the side of the nation and the whole world is covered in real darkness. Maine darkness. you could see the stars, shining on the puddles. and shards of glass, from the street windows. when there is no power, there are no workers. but really, the workers only exist because they sell to the non-workers. the solution to a good economy is to have everyone on a shifting schedule, so that when the workers are turning into non-workers, the non-workers are simultaneously turning into workers. and it doubles the nation�s capacity, because twice the number of people can rest in the same number of acres, if they rotate who�s standing.

Tip#20. when you see them again for the first time, people adequately describe themselves with the manner they choose to tell you of their adventures. they are described in more detail, however, by the adventures they choose not to tell.

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