Nul Set: an independant consciousness
2003-01-25 - 7:28 p.m.

when we build an artificial intelligence, it's supposed to be an entity unto itself...not part of the Turing test by definition, but this is assumed to be so. and maybe that assumption is bogus. a human brain is not a simple collection of neurons, but a inter-relation between those neurons and the neuroglia...the dark-green part of the motherboard, so to speak, but they do so much up neurotransmitters and supporting the neurons. and data doesn't just come from nowhere. it comes from the other parts of the body, the corpulscles. and really, chemistry itself, providing the most primitive and yet most powerful process in the body, homeostasis. the human brain is an integral part of thought, but it's not the whole picture...and what is the brain, but a collection of relationships between these various types of cells, and not neccesarily the cells temselves. on that some note, humans cannot stand alone, just as the cells of higher organisms can't stand alone. they need connections to other organisms, outlets for their reponses that in turn create reponses unique and different from the response that the first organism would have created from its own response. even, as a world of humans, we cannot exist, if we were to be well-connected, because that world would operate as a single higher-higher level organism, and wouldn't be able to stand alone. in short, we have created nothing but cheese. and the cheese stands alone.

new lights in our bathroom as of Jan18, new soap and paper dispensers as of Jan16. all three had been missing/busted since halfway through the first semester.

rememebr that day, on the subway
you turned to me, or where i seemed to be
and said "let's blow up the world"
and i, "silly you, what else would you do
with a couple crazed lovers, and a train seat for two?"

i keep having this reflex[ing] of a thought that tells me i had good time-management skills before comming to college. and that college has tought me that time-management isn't anything when you don't have anything to manage your time with. i'm starting to think that I never really was cool enough to be decisive, or manegerial at all. "[time management, to me, is having fun, and doing what you want to do.'s like, having fun is one of those things that you need to do sometimes, and that's just as important as getting your work done...and umm...this isn't getting me anywhere, is it?]" no.
Sidenote: for reference, this is the first time i remember quoting myself responding to myself (in writing), before knowing what i was going to think in the future, in planning my example for the uppcoming thought...that hadn't existed get the idea. gawd, I've been trying to write this get-me-into college essay forever.

the most painful comment ever made to me was a hushed silence, when all I needed was a 'hello'. Whomsoever says screams are louder than silence, is too deaf to tell, and too mute to be quiet about it.

something popped today. like rice crispies in my head. girls suck. and all the boys wish the women would. you'd be surprized how much of your arms you can get into your pockets, when you're a shy superhero. but I got 54+ Samuel Adams coasters from a restaraunt last night, and i'm all ready to make it into a deck of fuct-up-tarot cards. people keep talking about this really big bowl, so i climed a building near campus, and looked out on the horizon, and didn't see it...must not be so big after all. and i was so in the mood for a war-of-the-worlds day. found a 555chip in the socks-section of my know you're a nerd when. i keep forgetting that when the phone rings, other people can't tell whom it's for. by the emotion of the ring, i guess. smoking a clove yesterday, the goblin tribes in Mynd shouted, jittered, and sclumped allatonce "the king has come in to his hall." and oddly enough, no one corrected the mispelling of the seperation of the words.

and my buddy, and big brother figure, 'Smurf' is in court today...silly big-time drug dealers and their silly amounts of extasy/crack.

"I can't beileve that ALL snowflakes are nonconformists." -Meghan

dream, several nights ago now, in japanimation. definately influenced by playing Exalted (anime RPG) for many hours before going to sleep, and might have had something todo with my primary moods against this 'reality' stuff (that i only see when i'm fully awake, mind you, and that's been getting rarer and rarer). but, as i cannot draw, i just ended up discribing them for an hour in words before heading out to swab down a day of classes. first main character, i'll call him Red (had red hair), is graduating or likewise going though one of those iportant changes in life, and decides he's not ready for the real world. this is me, without RPI. second character, and supposed girlfriend to Red, i'll call her Blue, works at a restaraunt/cafe where the trio hangs out, and can't conceivably make enough money to ever pay her bills. this is me, with RPI. the last part of the trinity is another lad, whom i'll call Black (even though all the characters originally had way-super-cool japanese names), is a philosopher and writer who thinks too much, and in all the wrong directions, but is often overlooked as the stoner of the group. this is me, with or without RPI. Blue's little brother somehow gets involved in being a modern-day pirate as well, and there is much todo about sitting on people's heads and shaving their beards short, positively the best dream i've ever had (one of two in my whole unwaking life in which i didn't die).

don't you just hate that, when you just barely put an edible into your mouth, when the phone rings, and you've got no choice but to open your mouth and drop the uncruched food so that you can get the phone on the second ring? no, never done that? well, i just wanted to warn you that it doesn't work to well with Fritos (TM).

stop reading if you've heard this one, it's one of them reoccurrin' thoughts. the sound of metal scraping the bowl...sends shivers. compared to this sound, fingers on the chalkboard were nothing. Mum never cried over the sound of chalkboards. i used to think that being rich meant never hearing that sound...being rich meant always having something to eat, and never worrying about not leaving enough food for everyone else. it's been years since i've moved out of that house, graduated, graduated again, and still, i prefer to eat with my fingers.

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