Cheeri: a lop-sided happiness
2003-01-11 - 8:03 p.m.

it takes so little time for what�s written *here* (and, i suppose, in the others like it) to become somewhat less�applicable.

bought the car. might just keep the stereo in it, integral part of what the car Is.

incidentally, it was formerly driven by one of those persons i might have seen once, but never really went out of my way to meet. friend of a�friend of a Lucy, i suppose�more that than friend of a friend. do this sort of thing a lot�made no effort today to talk to upstairs-mike, who may soon be called roommate-mike, if my plans to move to Troy NY turn out to be as stable as old gelatin.

the language of hicks, explained. turns out there are two types of R. one, the �vowelized� is preceded by a vowel, as in �car� (pronounced ca�), or in warming (pronounced wa�min�). the other, the �consonantized�, is preceded with an unvowel, as in racing (pronouncecd racin�). thus, a mainer wa�ms up his racin� ca�; he does not �warm up his racing car��or drive off without properly warming it up first, for such would lead to untold amounts of damage to his ca�s engin�.

been in NY with Mitch for a week now, chillin� out and eating nearly twenty pounds of discounted-price after-christmas chunks of ham. Playing Morrowind (TM) all too much to be healthy, and drinking abnormal amounts of coke, per par. have yet to actually apply to colleges, or find scholarships, or find an internship which is both in my field and in the Troy area�and yes, i�m writing such things here so as to motivate myself into doing them, out of horror that i may re-read this one day and discover that *this* was where i�d made my mistake, this is where i began to falter.

there once was a group of kids that showed up at a Pakistani restaurant last night, just as the cooks were about to close up. they stayed a little past closing, eating quickly as could be expected and excusing themselves many times for keeping the restaurant owner from seeing his children at the normal time, at the end of a long day of low tips and one-shot tourish customers. and there was an older man, drunk, talking to the 7-11-type store clerks about this country, and how everything�s goin� down the tubes, though he didn�t know to which tubes he was referring, and how even though he�s French-Canadian, he�s still a born-and-bred American, as they are, on the other side of the counter�and those damn Iraqis, they can just pack up their nukes and blow up their oil reserves, we never needed their kind anyway. But the clerks, he said that they didn�t count, they weren�t like the bad oil-mongers. They were born-and-bred as he was, even though they only knew a spat of English. And the kids got a distinct feeling that this was the first time the clerks had ever seen this particular man, the first time they�d ever smelled his breath, so close. Although, there were probably many more just like him, many more men with the same breath and a different accecnt, spitting the same colour of shit out his mouth. And the kid�s went and looked at cheap ginger ale, to watch the man, to entertain themselves, and they laughed when everyone left the store, and the man could be seen, not yet halfway down the street, pissing on the side of a back-street restaurant or convenience store. except for one of the kids, who, when he looked at the man, saw something of himself. a very not-vague resemblance.

Art: one railroad spike. one handful of solder. one result, an ugly metal dog named Spike. and his limbs bend easily, and it�s the best paperweight toy ever, once you get past the lead poisoning.

chasing cars�NY (specifically, near Albany) is fun, because traffic jams are long enough for a person to develop a need to find something to do. i call it creativity, mitch says creativity never arises from need, it just is, and just does, and is a constantly-running sort of hamster-wheel (see �theories of learning, part the zeroeth�). chasing cars up and down between the offramp of after-hoosick and the onramp of i-787. government license plate on the car in front of us, something like 07029, and not noticed until i had already re-entered the car seven times and pissed on the sidelines. carbon-monoxide poisoning afterward, but it's all part of having fun, eh?

midnight sledding. and is it better than snowboarding? tonight at eight. they says that when they became a man they put away childish things. but if maturity is knowing the appropriate time for your actions (�a time to build and a time to break down��), the truly mature person knows when to be a child. not that i�m on a quest to be mature, mind you. but i�ve had to gain a few new responsibilities in the last couple weeks...buying food for myself instead of relying on government rations, worrying about my own car, making decisions in groups of more-or-less sentient beings, venting in all the proper directions. turns out we�re nothing but a bunch of asteroids floating through space, occasionally bumping into each other, occasionally being admired by the surface bacteria of a nearby rock. freefloating tofu.

and one more note, concerning fish of the order �Siluriformes�, specifically those of the family �Ictaluridae�. something about how they are super-developed because of the extra language capabilities granted it by its extended �feelers�. and something about how the language of fish, the language of waves and vibrations, is limited in that every fish�s every motion is monitored by the rest of the fish in the tank, so to speak. stressful life, being a floating eyeball.

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