Sarah�s Birthday!
2002-05-05 - 8:00 p.m.

Went to the Mount Ida Fashion Show this morning. The lingerie was well-displayed. And then there was cute stuff: Becky wore a wedding dress that Nikki had made, and threw the bouquet.

Met a guy in Boston today, one �Richard Noland�, US Government: international forensics. Basically, he�s the guy that investigates Israeli McDonald�s� and pizzerias, trying to find out whose bomb killed how many people. I gave him a clove and he gave me info on world politics today...cracked a couple jokes before we started talking about Osoma. And unfortunately, how we�re losing the �war on terrorism�. Kept making quote marks in the air, like a rat trying to get out of a cage. Not that we�re losing because we�re really losing, but that we�re losing because there�s no end in sight...Bin Laden (or the little smiling ex-medical guy on his right, Osoma�s Che Guevara) has no less than three independently operational terrorist groups in Boston...they ran a mission not too long ago, to hit a gas line that would have blown up most of Boston. And this is all a middle finger to the US, so that al Qaeda and Jihad forces (now unified) can step out of the way when the big, clumsy US puts it�s huge foot down on the Middle East. Tomorrow, we attack Iraq, and Osoma gets what he wanted...a high-velocity regional war. There was a lot of other things that went into the things this guy said, lots of names I didn�t was a ton of stuff to try and comprehend. And for that, I thank him. And, as Mitch pointed out, I�ll never really know if he was lying.

On plural verbs and noun confusion: I had eight sexes this week!

Modern merchandising tells us that �the customer is always right�, but this is not entirely true. The consumer is always right (the confusion comes when if you think someone is a consumer, but they�re really just a customer). Another theory on why fat people rule the world: for they are the biggest consumers. And if energy is power, fat people are powerhouses...biologically speaking. I just wish fat comedians could find something else to poke fun at, besides their big guts.

�neverneverland is a luxury few people can afford.� �Nemo

Semiformal? No. We don�t go to important dances. Instead, I ended up going over to John�s house to play Magic: the gathering (TM). Spend nearly a hundred bucks on cards, but it wasn�t like I had anything else to do with the money. And it was fun, so what the hell. Also, saw Spiderman (TM) with the same group...didn�t like the way The Goblin looked, and hope the Hobgoblin has real green skin, in the sequel. But, not having sleep, I was going a bit nuts...passing out in the hallways waiting for an RD to let me into my room (I temporarily lost my key). Cracked my window trying to get in through there, because Public (Pubic) Safety said that �it wasn�t their concern�. I was having delusions of strangling them for their keys. Halucinating that the floor was eating me, and something about spaceships on people�s brains. My head never hurt so much.walked, got lost. Wound up in Wingate, sleeping in Becky�s bed until I could think again. Hallucinations of things not having outlines...and their colours were inverted. Meghan left the room to go to a basketball game, so I. Got lost. Mary�s room, slept for another half hour, just enough time to have ten minutes of thought. Talked to someone for five, and then went back into the same predicament. Lost. Went back to a window and broke in, but it was not the window to my room. Lost. Broke the glass out of my window getting into my room, curled in bed and. In my sleep, myself I. Lost.

They watch too much TV. Playing the Mount Ida Gameshow (TM) at 2am. James and I sit over by our computers, listening to the druck guys in our suite smashing something. �Hey, that sounded like plastic...nope, definitely wood...� Making bets on what was being destroyed this week. Turns out neither one of us was was a pair of speakiers that one of the drunk guys had made, being stomped on by a 40lbs. dumbbell. Next up, the Mount Ida Soap Opera (TM), at of my suitemate�s girlfriend crying about something, and shouting at him between sobs. �...And the fucker followed me out and wanted to fight me, and I was like �bringit�, but he was like �no, I don�t fight girls�...Up at 4am, Mount Ida Sports (TM), with a special on Shitflinging. The suite across the hall got their door covered in shit by our suite, and I�m just glad they weren�t awake to retaliate.

Earlier this week: Just got a call from the Dean of Technology. To tell me that I was �instrumental� in the production of the literary magazine. Instrumental. No. It was my friggin� project that they stole from me in the last weeks, in the last stages of production. Granted, they founded it. But fuck them if they think that it needed funding. Fuck them if they think that this was a production of their college, rather than a spontaneous good idea from the people of their college. Just can�t trust them with any more of my spontaneous ideas, that�s all. Just can�t trust them with anything. I keep telling myself that when they stop running a prison, and start running a college, I�ll be able to think about them in a more civil manner. I just don�t see that happening anytime soon. Next year, I�ll do whatever I can to keep it out of their hands.

In Mount Ida News Today: Guy just got arrested out back of Wingate.

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