jason minus coke
2001-11-11 - 7:57 p.m.

This will be short, in the hopes that the length of my life will follow suit. Spades, I win. Hearts, I loose.

Revelation: If you combine a half bar of Ivory (TM) soap and certain types of pasta, the resulting aroma is one id cashews and peanuts. I know this because someone was mixing them in our bathroom sink.

Me: �wait! Just a second...� *dramatic pause* �okay now...�speak!��
Unknown Person: �Uhhh...is Jamie there?�
Me: �Nope. I think you have the wrong number. But if I knew who she was, would you want to leave a message for her?�
Unknown Person: �Umm...no, thanks bye.�

I walked into my room a couple days ago, and one of our desks was gone. My stack of homework was right where I left it, innocently undisturbed, except for the fact that it was on the floor. When my roommates got back, I pretended not to notice...and it didn�t come up. Granted, my football-playing roommate (who is actually a pretty qoo guy because he�s pretty funny on Tuesdays) was drunk, and my Korean roommate was stoned, so maybe they didn�t notice at all.

In other news today: I shouldn�t have to wipe blood off the toilet seat to take a shyt.

Sidenote: My little cheery �Rraaarr� grettings have lost their umph.

Ate a really bad meal in the cafeteria. Usually, I don�t complain...food is food. But the rice was literally soggy, and I�m not really sure that the other thing I ate was meat. I really rather would have skipped the caf and gone to McDonald�s

Later: Without looking, I found the desk...they were using it next door to put drinks on, and gave it back today.

Invention: Toothbrush bristles pointing more medial and less perpendicular, with more perpendicular bristles on the sides...don�t really care about bleeding gums tho...I just want a toothbrush that lasts more than a week. Practicality: little to none. I should just learn to brush less aggressively.

Revelation: Innocence has nothing to do with drugs of sex...it has to do with the extent to which you try to change the behavior of those around you. The act of being manipulative, one might say. Innocence is honesty, straightforwardness, and (to some extent) gullibility. (I was gonna continue with this, but I suddenly have nothing to say to you/me.)

Sidenote: Learned how to blow smoke rings.

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