an unforced entry of midget proportions
2001-07-25 - 9:08 p.m.

To the Pennywise I never knew, to Affeman, to Flatline, and to Deus Atrox: we salute you. We salute a person who had a consitently qoo diary, right up to the end (even though there were a couple stumbles). And we salute you for probing the depths of consciousness and the fabric of timespace. But most of all, we salute you for being Human, in every sense of the word. We love ya, Bob....hope ya have a good life out there in that big world. *sniffles*

Got a little bored today, so I watched water boil on the stove. And then I read the backs of two different Colgate (TM) toothpastes. This one says �whitens teeth� and �gently removes stains� but the second one says �safely whitens teeth� and �removes stains�. So one is not safe, and the other is not gentle. But then again, how unsafe and ungentle can toothpaste be? Both toothpastes contain a well-known carcinogen, and one-fifth of the ingredients are sodium-based. �...get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.�

�Sorry I saw you, and I heard birds sing, sorry I touched you, and I heard bells ring...what can I do? I am the loser...� �Nerfherder

And now, for zoological porpoises: My tongue finished sloughing off today.

Sitting at my pooter yesterday, I seriously wondered if there were more entertaining things to do with computers then set up firewalls. Well, there�s always the beauty of defragmentation. And then I realized that I have no games. A half-designed game in QBASIC that came to a halt a long time ago, and half of the drafted concept of a super kick-ass game that I can�t code, because I dun�t know higher-level languages. I think I might have the original version of quake zipped up somewhere...but shoot-�em-up games just aren�t funn unless it�s three in the morning on a Monday, and you�re playing a serial game with someone who�s actually good at the game. So I went online and got Snood. For all the hype, I don�t see what�s so great about the game...granted, it�s pretty fun, and not a bad idea...but still...what about Block-Man?!?!

Related Sidenote: Snood is, without debate among myselves, a Trojan. Whenever you download a really simple game and it takes more than a minute to download, that should set off a flag. Not to mention that it comes with the *evil* Gator (TM) proggie, which perferates your system with security holes, and there�s that other proggie that it doesn�t even mention it�s installing...that odd-looking one in the tray, which, quite suspiciously reveals to you your own IP addy. By the way, I�m Unnecessarily Paranoid. And what did you say your name was?

Stayed up until early this morning to watch the sun rise. Unfortunately, there were buildings in the way, and I missed that first-ray-on-the-horizon effect.

I swear, it must be mandatory for all humans under the age of five to eat paint chips. Everywhere I look around, and see gasoline operated cars...a survivor from the stone age of Henry Ford. Despite whining about gas prices, despite the gas crunches and environmental issues that everyone bitches about, the gasoline vehicle thrives. Don�t get me wrong, I�m all giddy for oil spills, fat cooperate asses, and easy availability of deadly gases. [Hell, that�s why everyone voted bush, right?] But for holyghostsakes mann, why doesn�t anyone just get out there and build their own car. It�s not as hard or dangerous as it may seem, despite what the car salesmen would tell you. I�ve talked to a 16-year old weed-addict that had built one car, and was onto his second. Gas companies have had a long history of stuffing greenbacks into the mouths of solar-car makers, so that they wouldn�t become the next big thing. In fact, the only reason why we have half-breed electric/gas cars now is that some plans got to someone smart, and they decided not to settle for selling the copyrights. But whatever would happen if people took the initiative to build their own vehicle, en masse? We wouldn�t trade with Germany or Japan nearly as much, which means that we wouldn�t have a place to unload all of our expensive shyt. Economic constipation, that�s what would happen. It used to strike me as odd that, in the �land of the free�, doing something as independent as making a car is frowned on. Now, it strikes me as odd that if the independent people didn�t listen to those fat asses telling them what to do, the whole system would rott. Freedom indeed.

Related Sidenote: *This*, coming from the man that spent a large portion of his day looking at toothpaste containers.

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