Kansas (again)
2001-06-16 - 9:57 a.m.

I had an entry for yesterday, and I stoopidly got the temporary file in windows all messed up and lost it. And to think, just yesterday I was patting myselves on the back for never having lost any entries.

When I was littlelittle, Sarah and I had a children�s book called �A Hole Is To Dig�. Brilliance, sheer and utter brilliance. This was the book that so inspired me as a child to chew on tables. For a tablespoon is for eating tables, but your teeth work much faster. I hope one day to write a book even half as provoking as this one.

This milk is past it's expiration date, but at least it's not skim.

Jason�s Alphabet: A is for Answers without questions. B is for Bulbous heads. C is for Cuddling and Cuteness. D is for Dumbass. E is for Eventually, which sometimes means forever. F is for Fuzziness, like wooly �captitilars�. G is for Goblins and other mischievous beasts. H is for Hiccups and Hypocritical Hippopotami. I is for U. J is for Jessica and Blue �J� Birds. K is for Kicking people in the shins when they�re evil. L is for �ove. M is for Monkeys and Muffins with butter inside. N is for �No�, because it has to be said every once in a while. O is for a *gasp*ing mouth, and the sound of understanding. P is for Pygmy food, on the inside of orange peels. Q is for Questions without answers. R is for Redoos, because you can never get enough second chances. S is for all the Sleep I don�t get. T is for drinking. U is for me. V is for flying. W is for Wishing that I had doubles of U. X is for X-ing out mistakes. Y is for curiositY. Z is for Zwiebacking.

A parade went by my window this morning, and it inspired me to put my boxers back on. Because I look so much better. With clothes on.

Last night, Step-sister and I went downtown with a few of her friends to see a fair. The fair had closed down early that night, because not enough people were there. Just a bunch of underage teens asking if the carnies could buy them beer. So we sat and talked to an obviously drunk carnie (the biggest of the group, maybe the leader), and he talked about tackling guys with guns, and wanting to get into a real Maine Brawl (TM). Mo0st of all, he pointed out that he doesn�t drink, and only buys beer for underage girls if he �gets a piece�. The whole system is siC. More precisely, who people will do for beer is siC.

I think I�m gonna start doing some sort of ritual every morning, to mourn the loss of the lives that will be lost in the 24 hours to follow. This way, I�ll be able to say Goodbye to the awesome people I hadn�t even met; I�ll have always said Goodbye to my friends, in case of a tragic accident. And I�ll spend the rest of my day saying Hello to the people that are still around.

In the case of a nation-wide blackout, I think the residents of Maine would be the most prepared. In a state where everyone not only �knows your name�, but knows your whole family tree and why you were sleeping in the pickup last night; In a state where air-conditioning is defined as opening a window and sticking a fan in it; in a state where duct tape is viewed as a sapient entity, a god of fixer-uppers; in a state that is known to radically change weather patterns within �five miles or five minutes� people would learn to survive. At first, the people of Maine would take Birdbaths (TM) in their sinks, but they�d eventually go all-out and install a water pump in their front lawn. You just aren�t a Mainer unless you�ve taken birdbaths for a half-week straight, and supplemented this experience with a couple freezing-off-your-balls cold showers. Those persons that could not live without their daily soap operas and sitcoms would quickly be weeded out of the population, leaving only the people with satellite dishes that are smaller than their houses (yes, such people do exist). Most of the residents have already undergone the �trial period� of a long term blackout, in the form of the last big ice storm, and the flood of 1980-somethign�-or-other. Because these people would be the first to pick up a beer and say �damn tv...well, I guess I better do something else�...and these would be the first people resourceful enough to runn extension chords across the Canadian border.

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