*pronounces himself*
2000-11-11 - 22:32:50

�Jay-sin�: A sin, which is committed outside the ordinary jurisdiction of it�s ordinarily useful circumstances. i.e. Wasting time to yoink a store clerk�s tie after you�ve robbed the cash register, using a bunny suit to sneak past Mall security on Christmas, or going out of your way to jaywalk across a crosswalk.

�Gobbie�: A cute way to drink from 2-litre bottles of highly acidic solution.

�Dude, I distinctly remember hearing someone say �Snap, Crackle, FUCK YOU�� �Dustin's impersination of George Carlin

�conversely, you might find that you know people better when you don't know their names......you can call me Mr Chipmunk, I'll call you Mr. Rabbit.�

*runns face-first into a gobbie-stwopper*

Screw you, Mr. Rabbit. (not the same Mr Rabbit as above...)

So...Jenny and Joe broke up...fortunately no one was killed. Things are back to the way they were, cuddlewise; but I�m finding more and more everyday thet I want less and less to do with Jenny.

�You enter the Red Handed Inn, a place of highly intoxicated librarians and unconscious thieves. It has been said to be the third most dangerous inn this side of the Choking Smog Mountains!�

�It�s the only Inn.�

�A technicality. As you open the door, you notice a sign that says-�

�I disbelieve it!�

�Umm�.�kay, the sign that once said �Vote for Ross Parrot� disappears, and is replaced by a sign saying �C�mon, everyone else is doing it.��

�Qooness. So I go in, and I tell everyone who I am, Balgon the Blasphemic, who has bested all of the dragons on the dragonless sea, and once shot a cotton-arrow into the mouth of a lich to save a town of mushrooms...�

�Umm, not quite. Before you can say a word, an elf clad in black from head to toe approaches you...�

�I attack him! I slice his head off with my sword!�

�You�re not supposed to!�

�Well I wanna kill him, he looks evil!�

�Okay, okay. As you go to strike the guy in the black cloak, your magical Sword, +2 to gitants, +3 to dragons, +18 to used handkerchiefs, and -6 to cold-based creatures with squeaky voices that are shorter than 14 inches tall shatters into *rolls dice* one million, 34 pieces.�

�What?!? That can�t happen! The wizard in the third Swamp of Bad Puns told me that The Sword would never break!�

�Oh yea...well...that wizard was really an imp of The Order of Three-Halves, and he was under the influence of the Swamp of Bad Puns.�

�Erg! Alright then, I�ll runn...�

�He�s standing between you and the exit, there�s only one door...�

�I take it.�

�It goes down to the wine cellar. A small shadow scurries across the floor under the light of a single dim lamp.�

�Hmm...Any bottles of highly-pressurized wine?�

�But of course.�

�Perfect. As the black-dressing elf comes down the stairs, I shoot at his legs with the corks of the bottles, and then smash them at the bottom of the stairs. When I�m done with that, I smash the lamp into the wine.�

�*sigh* Alright...*rolling of dice* it works. The elf stumbles down the stairs, taking 4 points of damage, he takes another 2 from the thrown bottles, and the cellar stairs are on fire...�

�Okay, good. Now are there any ways to get out?�

Damn, the good old days of AD+D, when I played by myself. I was both DM and player, protagonist and antagonist, usually several heroes at once. I started playing RPGs when I was ten er eleven, but I was nearly always alone. Several campaigns with a kid down the street, but he wasn�t all that imaginative...things got more funn when I had real people to play with...I taught Mitch how to play AD+D when we were in eighth grade. Now THAT was one of my favorite things, being a PC in Mitch�s games...*sigh*

PS: Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you!

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it's a different game every time you play!

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