2000-11-03 - 21:21:12

*suckin� on a 9V*

If you hold a battery on your tongue, you can feel the oscillations in the impulse...a nice, patterned pain...and your tongue goes numbish fairly soon. I want to tell Sollertree to stop it with �the cuts�, but it would be hypocritical of me...to tell someone else what do, after not having experienced it myself.

I think I had my first headache today! Just a little extra pressure in the right temporal lobe...and it wasn�t all that bad. Lasted maybe five minutes, at the most. And it was probably because I had runn outta Coke. Weird things happen on Coke depravation.

In Diaryland Today: As you probably already read (because everyone reads Uncle Bob), Andrew was born. Uncie Bob has become Daddy Bob. I put a little congratulations in his Guestbook, and sent a blessing that Andrew would �create smiles on the faces of those around him�. Not a bad blessing fer the little guy, who will no doubt be as hillarious as his old man. I thought up some others that also work:

-May Andrew always have a head that is proportionate to his body.

-May Andrew never hump Uncie Bob�s leg.

-May Andrew always look up to his very qoo dad.

-May Andrew be hung like a rhinoceros.

But most of all...

-May Andrew grow quickly, and start his own diaryland page!

Also in Diaryland Today: Affemann, I mean, Flatline left for Mass. I plan to meet up with him sometime next year, when I�m going to college down there.

In Jason's Life Soup today: I made little staple people. Bex and I are 'jest friends'. I can count the hours of sleep I got this week on two hands. But it's Friday!!

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