'guns don't kill people, trench coats kill people'
2000-10-27 - 20:25:30

Today was a *uncontrollable radical spasm*s day. One of those days when you feel like you�re going to go on a madd rage at any second. �Allah Bar Akbar!�

Today was also a Monday in my head. You ever realize that some times, even though it�s a specified day of the week, you innately feel that it�s a different day? I swear, it�s been Christmas in June. In my head. But anyways, today is definitely a Monday. This seems reasonable because I went on a long bus ride yesterday, downstate for a class, and that�s typically a weekend thing. Going downstate. But it�s all-good, because if it�s Monday in my head today, it�ll be Tuesday when I wake up. Tuesdays are the best. They�re the best day because (in my experience) things seem to happen on Tuesday. Things happening is always good, because it�s bettermuch than mediocre days. But then again, if I can have Tuesday on the brain on a Saturday, any day could be a Tuesday. And if everyday was a Tuesday, then all Tuesdays would be mediocre...An interesting paradoxial.

We�ve had 43 days of school so farr this semester. I�ve missed ten er so.

Halloween Concert tomorrow. Should be funnfunn...Bex is commin� down to visit, and Rene is coming up to visit as wel too. And Shane�s gonna be here taday, along with Dave, er so I hear. This should prove interesting.

I bought CDs. Yea, plural. Random ones, from Bullmoose. So farr, it seems to have been a waste of money.

*sigh* So many of my friends have been sexually abused as children. Why are people so siC? I think this year I�ll Celebrate April 20th. Jessica deserves a heyday. And some people deserve a 9mm in the head.

This is Jason, signing out. Have a nice day.

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