Anniversaries of Jason
2000-10-24 - 18:50:00

Sorry, I fergetted a couple Highlights from last weekend.

-It was that special time of the year, in which my tongue sheds. Somebody asked me once if it hurt to shed the skin on my tongue, if it tasted funni...Wel, it doesn�t hurt, and I dunno where anyone would have gotten that idea, unless they happened to be reading Hot Zone, in which Richard Preston tells the reader he once heard from this guy that had Ebola that his tongue hurt. Just about everything hurts when you have Ebola. As for the taste, it�s sorta slimy, not very tasteless, and I don�t think it hurts to swallow your own skin.

�I�m not fat, I�m just...big hearted.� �Exceptionally Creative, Yet Still Obese American

-Pi. I�ve been trying to work it out since last weekend, and I�m not getting very farr very fast. But it�s funn.

Is green piss a sign thet yer smokin� too much pot, er shootin� too much coke?

Today is dedicated to Anniversaries of Jason.

-Last weekend was the anniversary of my first real poem. �Nemo Solus Est� was the first poem that I felt inspired to write. As such, I�ve only written several serious poems. Last year, I was walking around my hometown late at night, and started feeling...sorta human. The rest, as they says, is history. I posted �Nemo Solus Est� (no one is alone) as today�s Sunday Comix. Enjoy.

-Sept 22nd. Yeah, it was a little while ago, but I was just realizing this date. This is the official date I got over Miss Molly. �I like Jason, but...I don�t want to get his hopes up.� Yea, right...she never apologized for some of the things she said, but I was her friend nonetheless. Then she had me apologize to her because I didn�t believe in hiccups (more on that later, I�m sure). But the irony...ah wel.

-It was about this time last year that I received a flower, a yellow carnation, from someone very special. Buggygirl sent me the flower, with a cute little note attached. I still have the card: �I hope this brightens your day. �A friend�

-This is about last month last year that the Monkeys started. �Monkey�, my and Buggygirl�s all-purpose word. That�s when I first started to love her. *sigh*

-Halloween is coming soon. At Halloween last year, my roommate, Marcus, was leaving the school. Halloween was his last day. We went out for a dance, and had quite a bit of funn. I had gotten a hold of some food colouring, and my friend Knox. We went to the dance in torn black shirts, me in green skin (a goblin), Knox in gray (one of the walking dead). Marcus had red skin, and he was supposed to be an ogre, but he didn�t actually enter into the costume-prize-thing. Knox and I won some money...grand prize, actually. Knox and I are going to a concert together this year too.

Have you ever taken a minute to stop, and listen to your brain grow? I wrote a short essay on that in first grade. It was a couple paragraphs, and I was pretty proud of it.

"'eventually' is a long time to live without yerself"

Steven Lynch is the shyt. If I ever made a band, he�d be it.

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