who ever heard of 'life before death'?
2000-10-09 - 16:02:33


The white coats are coming! The white coats are coming! Grab you brains and loads your arms, because the white coats are coming tonight! Save your sanity, save your ideas, save your quirks and unpadded walls, for the white coats ride tonight!

I�m taking a �mental relief� day. I�ve gotten about 4.5 hours of sleep a night since I got back �home�. Last night, I tried to stay up all night and do work, but my brain jest wouldn�t werk. So they gave �Jason The Vegetable� a day off. I would like to state right now that I am NOT an insomniac. I have no problems sleeping. I jest have problems going to bed when I have something better to do. And I�ve felt sort of lonely in bed since last summer.

Sir#1: Why can�t people just die?

Sir#2: Whatever do you mean, Sir...such a blunt statement could get you killed for �apathy of life� at pro-life conventions...

Sir#1: Oh, undoubtedly. But what I meant was, people act really weird when they consider their own mortality.

Sir#2: And what does such a Sir as yourself mean by that?

Sir#1: People are too concerned about death. They�re scared. They don�t realize that the mortality rate is 100%. Everyone dies, and life is so short that they might as well be dead already.

Sir#2: You would have us all be thought of as walking cadavers?

Sir#1: Happy walking cadavers. Even though you�re destined to die, you can have you happiness.

Sir#2: You say that as if people can control their own happiness.

Sir#1: People can. Chemicals in the brain, my dear Sir. You can control everything that your body does, right down to your heartbeat, with enough mental power.

Sir#2: If that were true, one would always have the ability to stop one�s own heart.

Sir#1: One does. We hold these truths to be self-evident; That all men are at all times equal, and they are endowed with certain undeniable rights, that among these are death, direct control of their own choices, and freedom of perverseness...but not necessarily freedom of thought.

Sir#2: Why do you suggest that a freedom of perverseness is so undeniable?

Sir#1: You can take the human out of the perverse atmosphere, but you will never get the perverseness out of the human...we are born twisted, horny, and generally siC in the head.

Sir#2: Why is freedom of thought not permitted?

Sir#1: There is no such thing. Remember the conk shell. We think what we think because of what we are told to think, or because of what we think we want to think (which is of course based on what we are told to think). If you can control a person�s experiences, you can control their thoughts.

Sir#2: Then why does it matter that they have freedom of choice?

Sir#1: It doesn�t. but it makes people feel good, to know that they have a choice; it makes them feel powerful.

Sir#2: Isee...So we are not only walking cadavers, we are static-thought cadavers trying to �live it up�.

Sir#1: Exactly.

Sir#2: Are you suggesting, then, that people should live as if the apocalypse were to happen at any instant?

Sir#1: Well, not exactly...which way do you eat your pizza?

Sir#2: *confused looks* Well, I suppose I eat the tip of the pizza first. It�s the juiciest, the best tasting...I�m a thin-crust kinda guy.

Sir#1: I am a thin-crust eater as well. But I eat the middle of my pizza slice first.

Sir#2: Mymy, that must look weird.

Sir#1: But of course. However, I feel justified in doing so. By eating the middle of the pizza first, I leave the best of the pizza and the worst of the pizza for the end. And then I eat out to each end of the slice, until I have only one bite of the tip left, which I save for last.

Sir#2: Has anyone besides me ever commented on you strange eating habits?

Sir#1: Many a person...

Sir#2: Okay, just checking...but if you are to eat the middle of the pizza first, there is a chance that you will never get to eat that last piece...

Sir#1: That�s a chance I have to take, Sir. Because my chances of the apocalypse not coming are farr greater, and thus it is best to spend my whole life walking away from a table with a refreshing feeling, the feeling that one gets when savouring the best bite of a meal. Whereas you finnish your pizza with the crust, and leave with a dry bread taste on your chops.

Sir#2: So, in life, we should start at the mediocre, and switch back and forth between good and bad times, until only one bite of good is left?

Narrator: *calls up Dominoes(TM)*

PS: Yes, Luther is me. I�m not one of those people thet goes out and starts a new diary every time I develop a new view on things. Or one of those people trying to be a celeb. If I�m going to think something �out of character�, you can be sure I�ll do it here. I am me, deal with it. Sometimes I have to deal with it. So...thet�s prubly not the last you will see of him.

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