Sunday Comix (Journal Entry the Tenth)
2000-09-05 - 11:15:52


I wish there was a service, of public transportation, so that people could dial a number, and then a vehicle would drive up, and take them somewhere. Of course, they wouldn't car the vehicle itself, they'd have to call a switchboard of some sort, and then they would call the individual vehicles, so they could choose which one could get to the person waiting for transportation. And then, the money would have to be collected by the individual vehicles, because that way the person would be able to give them money in the most straightforward manner. Then the person driving the vehicle would relay the money to the switchboard, where the CEO would distribute it. Also, there should be some kind of protection for the driver of the car, so that s/he can feel safe driving a stranger around in a large city. A division between the front and back seats, that would work well. I don't know what they could call it, this service...don't you hate it when you reinvent taxis?

Car (A story of two people)

"It was just after my sister's second wedding, and my wife and I were driving back from my hometown in the Bronx. We were on out way to Canada, to see the in-laws for the weekend. Alexander had fallen asleep in the back on the car before we were out of New York, but Caralynn was still awake, watching the lights on the side of the street. She was an artist at five, a Picasso who could really make it in this mixed up world. Caralynn had started talking early, and my wife and I marveled at her brilliance. Alex, on the other hand, didn't display anything extraordinary. He was a regular four-year-old, impulsive and curious. He loved watching the ducks in the small stream we have out back, he liked to drive matchbox cars around the house, making "vroomvroom" sounds. They were not perfect angels, but they were perfect children, and I would have done anything for them. As we were driving though Maine, 10 hours into our trip with 3 more to go, we passed through a small town, just before the Canadian border. Before then, my biggest fear had been that Alex would be awoken by the border patrol's flashlights..."

"I caught a car. It wasn't supposed to happen, it never had before. I still don't know why I did it. It was a harmless prank, a test of skill, something fun to do in a boring town. It was a good night too, no wind, no cold, and the stars were beautiful. I was out with a group of people, creative people, that liked a good laugh, and we were having a fun night. We started by yoinking a shopping cart from downtown, and tooling around a bit. We went down the hills and let people glide, floating in the breeze, free and fearless. Another harmless prank. I ran alongside the cart to make sure that it went straight, and didn't have a run-in with a building or two. A car passed us in the dark, and I made a spontaneous action. I chased it, shopping cart and person in it and all. I chased the car for a couple blocks, and it was fun. Everyone laughed. Then we stopped in at a gas station and I bought everyone sodas. There were large lollypops too, which I code-named Gongapops, jest for fun, for a laugh..."

"As I drove up, I noticed some kids on the corner, a small mob of them. There must have been 8 or more, all standing around, looking like punks. I had seen people like this on the streets of New York, standing around casually at quarter to midnight. Despite my unease, I continued my way, which consisted of driving right past them. A few of the kids were standing on the other side of the street, almost threateningly close to the car. One was exceptionally strange, he had covered his pale skin in a trench coat and other assorted black clothing; he was spooning a girl, and seemed to have his hands in her pants. When I came around the corner, I knew something was wrong. I had that feeling that one gets when they think their children are in danger, a maternal instinct of danger. The kid in all black turned toward the car..."

"So we were standing around, jest waiting for someone to think up something to do. Our group had been joined by a couple other friends who were just walking around. There were a lot of people that walked around at night, especially on the weekends. Anyway, we had a pretty big group going on the corner, about seven. A car drove up; silver, new, and moving slow. It was the perfect car for chasing. I slowly moved my arms from their position around one of my female friends, and got ready to chase. I had to wait until the car started to accelerate, so that I wouldn't catch is straight off. I turned around, and my trench coat billowed out. I loved it, just for the way it felt when the wind passed through it; the way it moved, like it was part of me..."

"I had just started to accelerate around the corner when he moved. He wasn't casually walking up to me, or waving his arms to get my attention. The kid started running after the car, as if I didn't notice him. At that point, I panicked. I was afraid for the life of my children, and my wife. I had been married for nearly six years, and had worked hard for everything I had accomplished. My wife and I were still deeply in love, and my children were still infants. In a split second, I stepped on the break. The car stopped so suddenly that the kid in the trench was startled, and stopped. I got out as quickly as I could, to get rid of him. I asked him in an assertive voice if there was anything I could do to help him. This seemed to confuse him even more, and then he started to apologize. I asked him what he thought he was doing, and he just mumbled and walked back to the corner. I got back in the car and drove off. Alex was crying..."

"I started chasing the car, but the guy must have had the fastest reflexes I've ever seen. He was out of his car even before I realized it. The guy was huge too. He was roughly seven feet tall, and built like an ox. He hollered at me, asked me if I needed help, and he asked me what the hell I was up to. I was stunned for a bit, but apologized and went back to the corner. I must have apologized a hundred times in those two minutes, walking back. I was just chasing his car, it was harmless. Everyone on the corner was really freaked too. We left in a hurry, trying to get back before the guy called the cops. I never really found out what happened to him, but it doesn't matter. I learned that some people don't like to play games. Some people do care what sort of clothing you wear, and will not look past it. Some people are just paranoid. An hour later, I was laughing my ass off. It was one of the greatest and weirdest moments of my life..."

"I drove off slowly, to show him that I wouldn't tolerate another incident. If he had been close enough I would have hit him, just to teach him a lesson, so that he wouldn't do it again. I called the cops when I got home, and gave them a description. It's a cruel world when teenagers think that it's "cool" to harass people. He could have been trying to mug me or steal the car, but I'm glad I'll never know. I will never forget that night, it has burned into my memory, and still makes me afraid for my children..."

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