2000-09-02 - 23:15:58

Today is a day of *violent twitch*es.

Trench coats, M-16s, and smiles...that�s what little Mafias are made of.

Letter bombs, umbrellas, and acid...that�s what little terrorists are made of.

Blood, guts, and glory...that�s what little heroes are made of.

This is my brain...this is my brain after sleep deprivation...any questions?

As we approach midnight, we get closer and closer to tomorrow. And as we approach tomorrow, tomorrow gets closer and closer to being today, and today gets closer to becoming yesterday. So as midnight is approached, yesterday asymptotically equals today, and today asymptotically equals tomorrow. Thus we can state that at midnight, yesterday is tomorrow and tomorrow is yesterday.

In Diaryland today: I talked to The Diarylander Formerly Known as Affemann on Yahoo...very interesting critter. To that end, I would like to present him with an official award for wonderful diaryland writing. *the Sirs clapp, the Narrator hoots* This award is, however, is given on the condition that the continues with his wonderful writing, and doesn�t runn off again. *the Sirs present him with a little plastic gold-painted book* *more clapping*

PS: only three other people have received this award, but more are to come...or at least I hope so.

Sir#1: Why do you think people say �ouch�?

Sir#2: Wel, �ouch� is a werd like any other, and thus has a proper time and place in which to be used...so someone has to say it sometime...

Sir#1: That�s true of any word, but �ouch� is used when a person stumbles, or trips, or knocks into something...and sometimes it�s said whether it hurt or not.

Sir#2: True...why do you think that is?

Sir#1: I�m beggining to think that people say �ouch� because it�s a programmed response...to anything that they think should cause pain, but does not necessarily do so...

Sir#2: Are you sure that the person doesn�t just trick themselves into thinking that they�ve actually hurt themselves?

Sir#1: That is quite possible...but then, why do people say �ouch� when they see something on TV that looks painnful?

Sir#2: Perhaps because as humans, we are all mystically linked, with this great pool, known as the collective unconscience...

Sir#1: You�ve gone Jung on me, that�s no fair.

Sir#2: But I makes some sense...

Sir#1: That it does, but I believe very strongly in every persons ability to fool themselves, to the extent that they cannot see the truth.

Sir#2: Sadly, this may be so...

Sir#1: We hide from the truth, because we have fooled ourselves into thinking it is evil...

Sir#2: Ouch.

Luce wanted me to post something about my personal self, so here it is: I made bread-tag-twisty animals today, it brang (brought?) out the artist in me.

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