bad days come in twos...
2000-08-28 - 21:02:57

Bad days always march in single file, to hide their numbers.

I feel like shyt.

I feel like shyt...

Little shit, round shyt

Big shyt, square shyt

I feel like shyt.

Brown shyt, green shyt

Purple people-eating shyt

I feel like shyt.

100 percent Columbian

Wet spider monkey shyt.

I feel like shyt.

I feel like shyt...

I don�t even remember what happened yesterday, or what day today is. Nor do I really care. I was taking some pseudocrack last night just to stay awake and do my homewerk. It turns out that I managed to not only do the wrong page of homewerk fer claculus, but for physics and mythic realm as well. Not to mention that I was doing my chemistry and the correct page of claculus this morning. And really, what�s the point? As I said last night to Jane : �Hi, my name is Calculus...this is my brother coke, and my other brother, Coke. I'm taking the 'coke' so that I can stay awake, so that I can pass this class, so that I can graduate, so that I can goto college, so that I can graduate again, so that I an get a good job, so that I can make lots of money so that I can get a family, so that I can get a prenuptial, so that I can collect a child care check, so that I can buy more 'coke''s a never-ending cycle.�

I don�t usually bitch about my personal everyday life, but today was especially bad, so I will.

I wake up every morning between 5:00 and 6:30, and try very hard not to wake my rommates up while doing so. So I slid out of bed very quietly, and go down the hall to get my laundry. But this morning, the wing door was still alarmed. So I went back into my room, put my keycard on my desk, and snuggled myself back into bed. I still had some werk todo, but I figured I needed the sleep more, since I�ve gotten an average of about 4 hours of sleep a night, and my neck still hurt from the dance. I went back out at six to attempt to get my laundry from the dryerthing. But once in the hallway, I realized that I had left my keycard in the room. And with nothing to pick the door with, I had to knock on the door to get back in, which caused Jon (good roommate) to wake up. I tripped on the way up the stairs to the laundryroom. When I finally got there, the door was locked. Fortunately, there was a Residence Personthing nearby to unvault my clothes. So I go back to the wing, and take my shower, late. I had �You Are My Sunshine� stuck in my head for a few minutes today, but those few minutes were enough to drive me half-batty. Little Boxes (Pete Seeger) is such a better songie. And Vicki seems to be avidly hating me for some reason. Whoopdie-doo-dah.

But the really annoying thing is, I knew most of it was going to happen before it actually did. I knew that the wing was still alarmed before I stepped into the hall, I knew that I�d forget my keycard, I knew that the laundryroom door was going to be locked. And it�s such a pain in the pachyderm, because if I really had the energy, I might have been able to avoid such things. But there are farr to many ducks in heaven, and it�s hard not to step on them.

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