2000-08-20 - 19:36:33

I am home. They says home is where your rump rests. This is simply not true; home is where you jack into the network. Or where you jack off, or jack on (depending, of course, on how you like your eggs). Home is where your monkey is. *screeching gabon monkey named Snowballs makes a screeching gabon monkey sound* Home is where you hang your Pink Floyd and Che Guevara posters. Home is where you take long showers. Home is that feeling you get in the embrace of a good friend.

That said, I would like to also say that my roommate, Jon, kicks ass. He�s big on chorus and singing stuff, and he�s funni as all heaven. Jon and I roomed together last year, and we got along great.

My other roommate this year is a newbie. Aaron something-or-other. He�s overly Christian, very attached to his parents, and he snores and drools (yes, drools) very loudly in his sleep. But he has several dozen Monty Python skits in his little skull, so at least he�ll be entertaining when he�s awake. Damn, he was entertaining in his sleep last night...Jon and I stayed up until after midnight, trying hard not to laugh so much that it would wake him.

It strikes me as odd how social I�ve already become. I�m not back to being a pseudo-British sex symbol again just yet, but I�m getting there; I�ve only been in the dorms for two days...give it time.

.this is not a step.

*pbbt* Well, this entry isn�t very exciting, but I�d rather not take the time to describe the whole tangle of relationships I�ve already gotten myself into. Expect more later. But not too much more. I do not plan to be writing in this diary every day anymore...I may be lucky to get one entry in a week. But we�ll see how it goes.

Jeezie-Chrisie, I miss the one they calls Buggygirl. I saw a picture of her from last year...*sigh*



*applies a �slippery when wet� sign to himself, and goes back out to the common areas*

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