quotes, rapp, and topless chicks, yo
2000-08-18 - 19:08:48

There's a little Bowie in each and every one of you.

'...I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the World...'

'...Can you hear me Major Tom? Can you hear me Major Tom? Can you hear...'

Other Quotes

"In the space age the most important space is between the ears." -Thomas Barlow

"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it." -Mae West

"Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't." -Pete Seeger

"Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." -John Lennon

Why is it that in a country with soo much freedom, one cannot dress as one pleases? I drive down the streets of my little hick state, and I see topless guys. They're mowing their lawns, or just walking around, or driving in other cars. These people are very comfortable with their partial nudity. So why aren't women comfortable with toplessness? Why is it indecent exposure if a woman runns around with no shirt off?

Sidenote: For all of you breast-driven persons out there, don't get your hopes up. I am not arguing for topless women as much as I am arguing for a freedom that we do not have in this country. And even if everyone were free to not wear tops...well, there are a lot of ugly guys out there mowing their laws right now.

*takes a baby step backwards*

'Mymy Mrs. Anderson, your adipose tissue looks very sexy today.'

I got news for ya. Breasts are large lumps of fat for the containment of nourishing fluids. And your mind has been warped to either think 'wow, look at the tittilywinks on that one!' or 'why can't they be like HERS!?' (depending, of course, on which side of the anomalies you happen to be on). I am no exception. Damn, I think both of those things. But why do we think this way? It's programmed into your brain by the 'system', of course. Most of us watch movies, we watch tv, we listen to the radio. And in these forms of 'entertainment', there is a constant flow of 'think this way' going into your head. From the time that Ricky says 'Lucy, I'm home!' to the Volkswagen Bug (TM) commercials, you are being told what to think. And they want you to think that nudity is bad. Drugs is bad. Hatred is bad. Well screw them. Why do they do this? Why do they program us into walking zombies, bent on buying the next thing that jumps into our squalid little one-track minds?

Because, like everything else, it's economics. There are these things called 'pornos'. Now, don't tell anyone I told you this, but there is a large industry in this very country for selling pictures and movies of nothing other than nude persons. Nude persons having sex. And nude persons in the shower, and nude persons eating shaving cream off other nude persons. And nude persons playing with *gasp* nude animals. This industry sells a great deal of 'pornographic material' to the general populous of this nation. And the government taxes these materials. Now, altogether, that's not very important; the government taxes just about everything. Now consider addictions. Teenage boys and girls find out about this industry though their friends or parents, and become hooked on it. By the time they are actually of age to buy these products for themselves, they're smoking through 3 porn movies and 2 sex toys a day. And they can't get enough. And then there are the older folks, who have nothing better to do than sit around all day and enjoy a nice bit of porn here and there. So they subscribe to the porn magazines, and order porn movies, and drugs that allow them too *coughcough* feel young again. Now, consider this: women start walking around with their chawumbas exposed. After the preliminary car accidents and harassment polices, people become used to seeing well-rounded chests in their daily lives. And what happens to the porn industry? It plummets. No one cares to see a picture of something when they can look up from their cubicle at work and see the same thing getting a drink at the water fountain. People no longer need the added stimulation of porn. Suddenly, the government loses a large chunk of money that it was getting from the porno companies, and needs to raise taxes again. The cigarette companies are already bottoming-out, due to the 198 billion dollars they were sued for earlier this year. What if people stopped drinking beer? Depression would ensue. And not just because people would be sad because they weren't drinking beer. The economy seizes up, and crashes. Why would you goto a restaurant that charges you 7% tax for liquor if you're not drinking anything alcoholic? What happens to the bars, the strip joints, the cheap hotels? It all stops, and money becomes more and more slowly circulated. Before we know it, we're bowing to the Euro, and losing a war with the Russians (who, by this time, have built something that did not fall apart, and are getting us back for not helping them with the Kursk). Let's face it, the economy in America was damn good when Clinton was in office, and that may be partly due to his own promotion of porno. There you have it, America. We must warp the minds of young people, so that they will become addicted to a service that we can tax, so that when they are older, we can steal their life savings...And remember, I never told you about any of this, especially the underground, very secretive porno industry. Hushhush. ;)

Sir#1: yoyo mann, waassuuup!?!

Sir#2: jest rappin' man...yo hey, hey yo, I say hey yoyo...movin' up and down, hey hey...gotta love that yoyo�yoyo hey hey...gotta little yellow yoyo...hey hey, hey hey yoyo goes up and down, hey hey...

Sir#1: Yo man, I dig that man...I love that yellow yoyo...yoyo, hey hey, can I see that yoyo...hey hey yoyo, yoyo, hey hey...cop took away my gat, but he couldn't take my yoyo, hey hey...

Sir#2: hey hey, yoyo, I like ta walk my dog, yoyo...movin' up and down with my yoyo, hey hey, hey hey, yoyo up and down the street, hey hey...

Sir#1: yoyo, hey hey, they say 'yoyo hey hey, that's a small yoyo'...yea hey, yoyo, my yoyo may be small hey hey, but I go around the world, hey hey, yoyo...

Sir#2: na much, ya know. Going bach ta skool tamarra...

Sir#1: 'scool, 'scool...

Sir#2: nana, 'scalled 'skool'.

Sir#1: thet's wha' I say, bro...'scool.

Sir#2: naa, ya gotit wroung. You gotta get yourself Hooked On Ebonix, yo. 's skool, s-k-o-o-l.

Sir#1: ahh, I getit, Gee. No hard feelings, kay man?

Sir#2: Na hard feelings man. But ya know, no one says 'gee' anymore yo.

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