Sunday Comix Early? (Luce & me, me & Luce)
2000-08-14 - 23:45:41

This entry is dedicated to someone special, called Luce. These are some of our better conversations, that I thought should be remembered foreverish. (The Ls are her, the Gs are me)


Sir#1: hmm she's gone, what can we do here, #2?

Sir#2: I thinks we should leave her sumthing, a suprise-like....

Sir#1: oh, good show...but what shall we leave?

Sir#2: something pleasent, of course.

Sir#1: oh, undudedably....a *hug*?

Sir#2: naa, too unoriginalish.

Sir#1: ice cream then? a turtle? "string or nothing"?

Sir#2: too sticky, too alive, too Tolkien....

Sir#1: wel, you have me and my fractal selves stump-ed.

Sir#2: why, a *squeege*, of course....

(for all those who have not tunned in recently, a *squeege* is a cross between a *friendlyhug* and a *warm/cottonish/catipillar feeling*)

Sir#1: but of you have one?

Sir#2: *pats pockets*......I haven't, do you?

Sir#1: nope, jest gave away my last.....

Sir#2: wel wel, we are in a bind.....where might we aquire one?

Sir#1: why, in the Rankled Caves of Gekaw, of course....

Sir#2: but of course....

Narr: and so Sir#1 and Sir#2 went on a journey, over trecherous fields of dandilions, and over the perilous waters of a tinyweeny brook, only to end up in more-or-less the same place, but more of the more than the less, so it was defined as the same place for the purposes of famous art historians and their small spanish dogs.

Sir#1: ...and so we have traveled far, but whence can be found the *squuege* that we do so require?

Sir#2: I know not. But wait!

Narr: at that very moment, a *squuege* ran from the cover of the nearby lollypop bushes!

Sir#1: the chase is on!

Narr: so they chased and chased the *squuege*, and ended up in more-or-less the same place, but mmoostly less, so it was of great importance to the spanish dogs of the art historians, who catalouged this event with great amounts of relish and ketchup.

Sir#2: now we have you, *squuege*!

*squuege*: oh, no harm to me, Sirs, for I have done no harm to you, and we have only gotten a fair bit of exersize by running in circles.

Sir#1: oh, we mean you no harm, we only wish to package you, and leave you, until you are found by our friend, because we wish to suprise her, for such is the manner of *squueges*.

*squuege*: isee...but what if I choose not to be pakaged and sent to your friend?

Sir#2: then we shal splice your insides with a wufflebat, and spread your happiness on a much-recycled paper, not to mention that we will turn your hugginess into a huggable coat, and sell it to the lowliest bidder, to be worn only by the filthy and wretched people who do not shop on ebay....

*squuege*: oh, how foul of you. wel, I suppose I have no choice but to surrender....

Sir#1: but if you are not a happy *squuege* when you are recieved, you will not bring happiness to the reciever...and thus will not be worth could you please be a good *squuege*, and choose to be given freely?

*squuege*: wel, that depends on who I'm being given to, I do suppose.

Sir#2: you are to be given to Lucy, an oddlittleprson who likes to pose sideways in pictures, and buys many things on ebay...

*squuege*: really? then I would be honored to be recieved by I do like being recieved by oddlittlepersons...

Sir#1: then all is good...

Narr: so they pakaged the *squuege, and placed it in this set of icq messags, for the pleasure of the very small audience that is one person; you....and here it is: *squuege* !


Messages to Luce, while she wasn't away:

"yeah, i am. it sucks a bit of ass, yes?" -L

"hehe...I act like an old man, who acts like a kid, desperately trying to regain his youth by acting younger....and then I remember that I am a kid" -G

"and you sit there and you think...i wanna jellybean." -L

"no...ikk....I like.....carion. (two Rs, er one?)." -G

"lol, two. you do not." -L

"I will not spell my meals incorectly. I will not spell my meals incorectly. I will not spell my meals incorectly. I will not spell my meals incorectly. I will not spell my meals incorectly. ;)" -G


"yes, me and the other guy inside our little bulbous head." -G

"your head is quite bulbous" -L

"isit? *feels head*" -G

"well, it used to be. it might have morphed." -L

"my head was bulbous?!?" -G

"*rofl* not like offensively so...but yes" -L

"ikkies! I have a bulbous head, and no one never telled me!?!" -G

"i think it was more the hair on your head...the way you had it cut...curlyish, yknow...and you had elfychipmunk cheeks when you impgrinned, too" -L

"hehehe, I likes elfichipmunkcheeks and impgrins...." -G

"winter: jeans...fall: underwear" -L

"what about summer?" -G

"nothing should be heated up in the summer" -L

"mmm......plants's good fer em." -G

"plant pants! YAY" -L

"hehehe...plants are for planting...planting is for pots...pot is for smoking...smoking is for the sky...the sky is for sunshine...sunshine is for plants" -G

"only one: 'smoking is for the sky'...explain?" -L

"the sky is up...rising things rise up...smoke rises...smoke goes to the sky" -G

"yea, or so you say, Lucy.......if that's your real name...or should I call you....Borris!" -G

"and you.. Natasha!" -L

"ikes, the have found is out!" -G

"(typing russian is cute) am not reely bohrees. ai ahm sveti." -L

"sveti?...and all this tyme.....weit, if you are sveti, whum dod I kyll?" -G

"well ai ahm sveti and sveti say...keel the doggee" -L

"the doggee? do you find kylling doggees is humoris?" -G

"oh noh, but eet ees necessaree. you know. for to the plahn." -L

"yes, the plahn.....*rhubbs fin'ers toget-her* hehehe" -G

"yeah, and i dont really know why...limbolimbo" -L

"hehe, how low can you go....." -G

"really damned low." -L

"hmmm........cracker, low." -G

"sweet n low will kill ya" -L

"yep, it will sugar, sunblock, corn, and anything else" -G

"not gummy worms, they wont" -L

"they jest havn't proven it yet" -G

"oh, they wont be able to. secret elves will kill them before they do" -L

"jason is backback?" -L

"Jason's back and front are back...." -G

"what about the sides and other bits" -L

"nope, everything is back and front, black and white" -G



"hahaha *reading a book* 'pornographic literature serves a tames people as one tames loins, by masturbation.'" -G

"this is entirely true" -L

"hehehe.......Beyond Freedom and Dignity. I very much reccomend it." -G

"watch watch watch american beauty...please" -L


"mitch is just really freaky now.. kind of scares me" -L

"thet's one of the things I liked about him...." -G

"nono me too. but.. the way he looks at me now" -L

"like he wants to spill your guts all over a chalkboard, or like 'jeezus you are a mean person, but I wish I was stil yer friend'?" -G

"guts." -L


"exactly! animal killer!" -L

"animals......naa, twas dead when I piCed it up!!" -G

"mom found bird guts all over our yard this morning...kittykitty" -L

"*bigsmile* dad found a dead snake in his mailbox...jasonjason" -G

"go jason...why do you do such things, dear?" -L


"*talkin' ta self* n/a......I know thet means sumthin'...'and he puzzled and puzzed 'til his puzler was sore...'" -G

"don't hurt yerself there big fella" -L

"whoa, down boy! wha' ya mean? *funkylook*" -G

"you high?" -L

"allways. wha' do ya mean by thet? *funkylook*" -G

"i figured. just WONDERIN!...cus im special. hey gotta go now. taaaalk later bug people for me light stuff on fire." -L

"hehe...Sir#1: she has no idea how serious we will take the last comment, does she?...Sir#2: I dun't believe so...wel, we have werk ta do, go get the matches, I'll get the brain." -G

"Kleptomania!...Pyromania!" -G

"i luv yas jason...i gotta do laundry! brb" -L

"luv meis?" -G

"twas simply a random note" -L

(PS: this was the first appearance of the Sirs.)


"*has TO on his Bachground*" -G

"jason's in love!" -L

" jest get obsessed with things every now and then..." -G

"ahh, me and shoes." -L


"fishies!" -L

"sharkies!" -G

"nono they dont do that" -L

"yesyes, the fishies eat the sharkies..." -G

"nono...SUSHI" -L

"RAW FISHIE?!?!?!?" -G

"righteo!" -L

"sharkies!" -G

"no. EELS." -L


"nyagi" -L

"no. EELS!" -G

"nyagi IS eels!" -L


"on rice." -L

"no. EELS!" -G


"with soy sauce." -G

"no...wasabi!" -L

"WASABI! ooo, I concur" -G

"sright, lets RULE" -L

"with the......EELS!" -G

"i want sushi now." -L

"I want EELS!" -G

(PS: If you haven't learned by now, I REALLY like the EELS! yes, the band. Actually, we both do. Homey L and Homey G)


"they're inside your braaaiiin" -L

"yepyep....they dance on my spine on Sundays, and go bowling in my ears on Monday....they get bored and drunk and high and freaky durring the rest of the week, hence the oddness" -G


Sidenote: If he reads my diary, I would just like to say this to Uncle Bob:

Please, please, pretty please...don't stop writing. If you do, I fear the very spirit of diaryland will be crushed in your absence.

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