*Jess (not the coat) flips us off as she rides away in a cop car*
2000-08-06 - 16:37:13

'Hello, Aroostic Police Station.'

'Hello...can I report suspicious people to you?'

'I'll transfer you to the Reporting Station.'

'Okay, thanks.'

'Hello, Reporting Station.'

'Hi, I'd like to report some suspicious people, please.'

'Okay, how many people are there?'

'Umm, I dunno.'

'Alright, can you describe any of them in detail?'

'Not really...'

'Is this a prank call?'

'No sir, not at all...'

'Okay, what are they doing that's suspicious?'

'Well, there's this group of guys that follow me around with their cars at night, and during the day, I see them, and they don't let me cross the road...Sometimes they stop me, and make me give them all my cigarettes...my friends won't even give me a light anymore, because they're afraid these guys will come and steal their cigarettes too...'

'Alright, I'll see what I can do. Do you have any way of identifying people from this group?'

'Yea, I have a couple of their license plate numbers, if that'll help...782, 543, 618...'

*long pause*

'Umm, those are police plates...'


Went downtown yesterday, and rented some movies. Hackers, Doomed Generation, Mallrats, Interview With The Vampire, and Twelve Monkeys. It was supposed to be an all-night thing, but sadly, I have a bedtime. And sadly, birds and planes still do not mix. And they didn't have Pi. *bad looks in the direction of the movie-rental-place*

Church this morning, again. The minister (my Step-mother) took away a little kid's plastic dinosaur during the children's moment. The result was...loud. On that note, I'd like to say that church is NOT for children. If kids actually listened to the sermons each week, they'd be traumatized. 'Daddy, did David commit adultery with the Queen of Sheeba just because that rich guy killed that poor guy's lamb?' And they did communion today. I no longer participate in such rituals. The last time I did was several years ago. I spat out the grape-juice, and insisted that I was not a cannibal. Everyone else munches away happily at their 'blood and body' of Christ. SiCening.

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