Sunday Comix (Ted)
2000-07-18 - Written: 1996-08-??

Today I have decided to post 'Ted' for the Sunday's a story I wrote in eighth grade, and haven't changed since. The state stole the copyrights for it, and I'm still trying to get them back, damn bastards and their MEAs...('Ted' was passed out arround the state to show the people that correct the MEAs what good writting is; this was done without my consent, bastards.)


Little Joe couldn't hold back the tears. The greatest sacrifice, the sacrifice of life, was made for him. Reminiscing on the event he cried himself to sleep, dreaming of the misfortune.

The stain-glass window of dreams first admitted to him the happy times, the times when he and Ted played and cavorted everywhere together. In fact, the password to their tree house was "Friends Forever". They used to act as secret agent men, or valiant knights dismantling vile dragons. And then they were wizards, phasing people with rays of light and shadow. The two had scaled Mt. Everest and frolicked in the Caribbean Sea without ever leaving the yard and certainly not each other.

Then it changed to the fearful day. Joe stood in the center of the Plaza Palace with his parents. They walked off yelling their sides of a controversy, again. Their son stayed behind, for he couldn't accept the screams, the pain. Gripping Ted's hand harder for protection, Joe proposed that they make a wish at the fountain. Ted, as in most other cases, lacked a better idea, so he remained silent. The two best friends walked hand-in-hand, Joe's now perspiring. As if no time had passed, they approached the fountain and Joe reluctantly removed his hand from Ted's. Joe flipped both coins in, because unfortunately, Ted posessed no thumbs. The coins looked like tiny silver spheres, what Joe thought a soul might look like. They seemed to hover for hours before plopping majestically into the water, almost touching, as if they had grabbed invisible hands in the air. They told jokes to pass the time and put Mickey Mouse Band-Aids on their fears. They walked about, Ted dragging his feet as if he knew what was to happen next. Appearing out of nowhere Joe had seen, came a man exhausted from running. He frantically spied his choice of hostages and grinned diabolically at Joe and Ted. Stopping several feet in front of the duo, he called for his pursuers to drop their guns. The police obeyed, with the exception of one, who aimed. The villain said something under his breath about a warning while exposing a pistol.

The sound of the guns could be heard in Hell. Instinctively Joe jumped back, only to trip over a bench. Joe felt as if the world had been set on 'strobe light'. The distance that had taken him no time to cover only moments before took the bullet years. Joe's hand, still clutching that of his friend, went forward in the motion of tripping. Ted seemed to jump up, almost silently saying "goodbye". These movements put Ted into the future trail of the bullet, coming for them, closer. Joe fell further. Closer further, closer, further...

Plof! a bullet hit Ted, tearing him open. He lay crumpled up on the floor like a ball of paper. The gunman let out a screech as a bullet seared through his stomach. In realization of what had happened to Ted, Joe yelled in terror. He picked up his friend, tears cascading downs his face, and sped across the street to the hospital. Joe asked the receptionist if they could save Ted, and she said bluntly:

"I'm sorry, but we don't fix teddy bears here."

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