2000-07-10 - 19:24:53

Hiking today, real hiking. My day started at 3am (which, oddly enough, was the same time my previous day ended). From there I traveled with my father downstate, where we met the other two hikers. Fatherperson was late as usual. Overall, it was a really good hike. The last time I was actually on a mountain was two years ago, and it was good to get back into it. Once we got to the mountain, we hiked for a little over nine hours, with a couple snack/rest breaks and a lunchstop. It was around a 10 mile hike, but it really wasn't all that tough. There was one strip, about 1.5 miles long, called Knife Edge that I really liked. At this part of the hike, we were a decent level above the clouds, and it was gorgeous. For the first part of the hike, the weather switched from drizzles to downpours, but on Knife Edge it was nothing but calm white clouds. The trail itself was interesting, because it was a ridge, roughly four feet wide, and sheer to 'tumbly' on each side of the trail...

*At this point, Smegol (AKA Bob) opens the door and enters* aww, what a sweet little kitty. *Smegolcat pounces on my stomach, and does that little this-pillow-thing-is-too-hard-I-think-I'll-kneed-it-like-bread-until-it-gets-softer thing that cats are so apt to do*...I think they should make laptops ressemble cats more, just so they could be furry-cuddly. But then again, if they were, what would distract you from using your laptop?

...Anyways, I most certainly gotta sunburn. I am deathly pale most of the time, so I burn very easily, and somehow never remember to take my shirt off in the sun, so I end up with a siCening farmer's-burn. Oh, and my father finally got a job today. It starts out at 40k a year, so I was a little happy for him. *clapclap*

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