Sunday Comix (Journal Entry the First)
2000-07-11 - Written 2000-1-23


You know your eating Government Surplus when:

10. the food has a sing-and-dance routine

9. the food isn't good enough for our soldiers

8. the food isn't good enough for POW

7. the food isn't good enough for third-world countries

6. the army almost used the food as a bulletproof armor substitute

5. you expend more calories by eating it

4. your tray has "Jonson's Lab Experiments" written on it

3. it's a free lunch

2. a letter on the package says "stab well before eating"

1. it bites you

The Scattered Thoughts Of Life

Humans seem to have reached a developmental peak beyond that of their "animal" counterparts (other primates), and the resulting over-production of the basic needs for the race is above what is needed to survive. When survival is no longer a major concern, an organism, or colony of organisms, has the ability to perpetuate itself, and more importantly, spend more time using the cognitive regions of the brain. Humans, over time, developed their thinking apparati to a point which allowed them to think abstractly about a situation, permitting them to invent. Invention, of course, leads to a lower level of necessary self-preservation, which in turn lets humans use their cognitive brain more, so that a self-powered generator effect is present, forcing them to evolve into the creatures we are familiar with today. Other animals, still concerned with their own preservation, are not able to achieve this level of thought. The end result is that the human is able to question ideas, like why it exists.

The dangers of asking this question are not so obvious to most people. The search for our own existence, the reason why we are in this galaxy, is not a question that needs to be answered, because it is the immortality of the question which keeps us from thinking that our live have no meaning. If we were to find the meaning of life, would we be satisfied by the answer? Especially if the answer was that there is no meaning to our lives. If a scientific study were to prove that we are not important in the "grand scheme" of things, and/or that there was indeed no "grand scheme", the people unstubborn enough to accept the truth would know that they are living useless lives, and the stubborn people would just be lying to themselves, eventually give in, and no one would care if they lived, died, laughed, raped, or murdered.

Consider the Lilies: a human, (we'll call her Lillie I) graduates school, gets a PhD in medicine, marries, has three beautiful children, saves lives in the ER, and dies at the age of 92. Her twin, (let's call her Lillie II), never goes to school, leeches off the government, smokes her life away in alleys, and dies at the age of 25. Who has been the better help to society? Obviously, Lillie I has, but can we say that Lillie II's life is any more useless than Lillie I's? Lillie I has helped society by saving lives and raising children who can in turn benefit society, but if humans at the core have no overall purpose, why does it matter that those lives were saved? If there is no overall goal of humans, then there is no overall goal of the individual.

Some would say that, as far as the individual is concerned, fun (or pleasure) is the only factor of a satisfying life. Thus the more fun a person has, the more "useful" that person was to themselves, and therefore to the human race as a whole. But what do people find pleasure in? For many people this is different, but let's consider two extremes, the criminal and the clown. If the clown finds happiness in making others happy, then the clown is successful in its purpose, and if the criminal finds pleasure in killing than he is successful in his purpose. The clown however, is more successful, because he makes more people happy, whereas the criminal only makes himself happy.

Perhaps the key to a successful life is not to waste time (the present moment), because we only have the present once, and then it dies, only for us to have another present, until they are bled from our short life span. So the lazy, the bored, the Lollygaggers, if you will, are the people whose lives are meaningless, and it is up to every individual to get off their posterior and get out and enjoy life, rather then waste time arguing why it is we exis-

*here the writer stops, and starts to live*

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