2000-07-01 - 17:42:38

These are my (thoughts) and *actions* of this morning

*I wake up*...*I open my eyes*...(The room is tilted)...*I tilt my head back*...(Oh, that's better)...*long pause*...(I suppose I should get up)...*ooze out of bed*...(hmm, I'm on the floor)...(this is surprisingly comfortable)...*ooze into the hallway*...*ooze into the batthroom*...*flop my arm over the sink for toothpaste and toothbrush*...(oh, some stuff fell)...*lie on my back and brush my teeth*...(damn, I gotta get up to spit)...*gets up and spits*...*stays standing*...(that's odd, I feel like I'm hung-over)...(but I haven't been drinking)...*spit*...(I need Poser 4.0)...(I need to be doing graphics)...(I need to be doing something)...*spit*...(so this is life)...('I used to live here you know')...(Luke Skywalker)...('you're gonna die here ya know')...(Han Solo)...*spit*...*What a Wonderful World starts up in the background*...(wow, this is good suicide music)...(if I ever made a movie, someone would kill themselves to this)...(I need to get out of here)...(I need to see some real people)...*spit*...(and I could use some sleep)...(but I just woke up)...(but I'm still tired)...(lethargic even)...(gawd, what's wrong with me?)...*spit*


Went hiking with the family. They are so...American, so civilized. My little sister brought a hairbrush 'just in case'. They sat there, on a two-mile hike, eating Lunchables, and complaining about how hard it was. I wish I was petty and stoopid like everyone else. I wish I didn't care that people in other countries are dying by the hundreds. I wish I could tell someone I love them and really known that I didn't mean it. I wish I was like everyone else. Everyone else seems to be pretty happy, with they're little petty lives and their little stoopid friends. They say ignorance is bliss. Ignorant people do not have to worry about thier friends, or the world, or thamselves. Everything seems good to them. Cogito ergo depressus est. I think, therefore I am depressed. *spit*

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