walking on glass
2000-06-30 - 16:22:52

I've been walking on glass all morning. I knocked a glass off my desk yesterday, and I guess I didn't pick up all the pieces. I'm sitting here, looking around my room, and I realize that I've become a slob. My clothes are everywhere, I have glass shards in my foot, I still haven't shaved since last I mentioned it, I'm eating Oreo's and pizza for breakfast. I don't even care enough to put my contacts in, I just wear my glasses all the time now. I'm getting ready to make another tallymark.

I found me talking to myself today. It was really odd, because myself has been on a "hear no evil" campaign for a while, and so does not listen to me. And I never talk to myself. A few years ago, I went mute, and me and myself haven't heard a word from him since. Just before I went mute, he suggested that someone be blind, and because myself had his eyes on being deaf, the quest of blindness fell to me. All of these handicaps make conversations in my head very difficult; if I want to tell me something, I have to write it down, so that myself can read it to me, and then me can simply talk so I can hear it. But in order to send a meassage from me to myself, I have to get the message, and then to writes it down so that myself can read it. Usually we all just get together and have an orgy though, because it's much less complicated. Wow, I've been people-deprived way too long. (Or maybe it's just the aftereffect of the batteries).

Sidenote: a *pbbt* it's the sound you make when you turn yerself upside-down, stick your tounge out halfway, and...make a sound...it usually means something like "oh yea, that's right, but I don't care (even though you did care a moment ago,and really still do, but don't want to admitt it)" , but nevertheless, I use it for a cute little funnisound.

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