silent soliloquy
2000-06-24 - 05:40:17

*fourth tallymark*

I'm wondering if it's really worth it. I'm wondering if Jen even cares anymore. I'm wondering if we would still know each other if each saw the other in passing. It's been a looong time since I last saw her. I haven't laughed in over a week now; it's driving me nuts.

In other news today, I thought up something very odd: 'The sun will never set on asteris soil'. What I ment by this is that the asterix will always be a usefull symbol for conversations. It would be a horrid werld if there were no *poke*s or *hug*s.

Five best fortune cookies: (make sure to add 'in bed' at the end)

"Ideas you may believe are absurd ultimately lead to success!"

"Those who care will make the effort."

"Play the lottery today, Lady Luck is upon you."

"You can not be expected to give more than you have."

"The onion you are eating is somone else's water lily."

I don't get the last one either ;)

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