2000-06-21 - 08:50:23

So I woke up this morning, and said "fuck it. I don't need to wear clothes today, I'll jest wear my boxers around the house. No one else is here, and won't be, so why does it matter?" So I'm in boxers today. It's not a very rare occurance actually, me being in sparse amounts of clothing (like at jen's house, *smiles*).

I'm wondering if I want to put weekly things on here, just stoopid thoughts that I have and stuff, but I get a lot of stoopid thoughts. Wouldn't want to bog down the server. But it would be a nice touch, like coloured comics.

And it's summer. This means I'm free to go back to my passtime of "relocation of unvaluable objects"...becasue I make a point not to steal things. I will always put them back, and only take things that aren't in use. So I'm a nice klepto. It beats car chasing, becasue then you get in lotsa trouble when you do catch a car (even tho it's lotsa funn).

If you put cheese on your mousepad, do you think the mouse would eat it?

Sidenote: Scandisk is very evil. It deleted the last 4.5 seconds of each of my 600 er so mp3s.

People are funni. They look funni, they smell funni, they say funni things. They make nice puppets in an otherwise boring werld. God must love us for that.

Sidenote: I've decided to keep a running tally of the number of times I try to make plans with Jen, and things don't werk. I was going to keep a running tally of how many times I miss her, but like I said, I don't wanna bog down the server.

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