2000-06-13 - si:rs:ir

Sir#1: "Crunch, Crunch" says the pickle.

Sir#2: Why do you always have to talk to your food whilst eating it?

Sir#1: I am not talking to my food; if I did I'd be crazy. Quite contrary to the point, it was talking to me.

Sir#2: What an absurd little person.

Sir#1: That's what they says�listen to the crunching of the pickles, the gulping of the meat, the light rustle of the bread�mmm, I love McDonald's.

Sir#2: You should not eat McDonald's food.

Sir#1: Whyevernot? I paid for it, didn't I?

Sir#2: That's not the point; they treat their animals horribly, and then slaughter them�

Sir#1: So?

Sir#2: Have you no compassion for other living beings?

Sir#1: No. But that's not the point; I'm always hearing things about how badly animals are treated, and how we should fight for their rights�

Sir#2: �Which is our responsibility, as the superior race of this planet, but we are all living beings, and deserve to be treated with respect.

Sir#1: What about the potatoes?

Sir#2: What about them.

Sir#1: The potatoes are slaughtered each year for the same purpose; they are thrown on trucks, and kept on freezers, and chopped into slivers and fried�

Sir#2: But they're only potatoes.

Sir#1: Do potatoes have rights? If you say not, then you are denying the rights of not only the potatoes, but also the rights of all inferior beings to have life. And if you say so, you are fooling yourself. For your Utopia is a world where there is no killing, and therefore no food chain, so everything dies.

Sir#2: Potatoes are different, because they can't feel themselves being chopped up.

Sir#1: Until recently, it was believed that lobsters couldn't feel pain, so how can you say for sure that potatoes don't? And what about the innocent insects that are killed in the hundreds by the machines that harvest the vegetables that you eat, in a vain attempt to save all animals?

Sir#2: but there are a lot of insects, and they are�ikky.

Sir#1: So you believe in saving only the aesthetically pleasing animals?

Sir#2: No, but�

Sir#1: What about people in third-world countries�there are a lot of them, and I think they are ikky.

Sir#2: are you suggesting cannibalism?

Sir#1: *smile*

Narr: Sir#2 screams, and then all is silent.

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